The Family Medical Leave Act that was passed a year or two ago, protects your job when you are unable to work, either from your own illness or to care for a close family member who has a condition that needs care (and that would require your absence from work if you had it). If your physician supports the need for an absence from work IN WRITING (and you follow the guidelines in the CONSIDERABLE paperwork involved), you cannot be fired or disciplined for any absence from work, or insufficiency in performance, that results from your medical condition. My supervisor hasn’t wanted to make allowances for my Graves’ Disease, but had no choice. I missed work to take the RAI treatment in June, and was off completely for two weeks when I developed severe hypo troubles last month, and am now working half days while the thyroxine replacement has a chance to help. My employer had to let me leave work for physician and ophthalmologist appointments, and for fasting blood tests. KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!
I am fortunate enough to have a job where I have accumulated sick leave, so my absences are paid, and I keep my health insurance. My heart goes out to those who aren’t as fortunate in that regard.
Dianne N