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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Any allergic reaction should prompt a phone call to your doctor’s office IMMEDIATELY!! Please, call them today. It could very well be an allergic reaction to one or more meds or it could be nothing. Only your doctor can answer this question for you.

    Good luck and please let us know wht he/she says?

    Online Facilitator, NGDF

    Post count: 93172

    Hello, I too had itchy red skin AND HIVES only after stopping Tapazole. Which can sometimes happen. And then it all got even worse when started back on the Tapazole to prepare for surgery. You should definately call your doctor and report this…I did not have a real “severe” reaction, mine was controlled by Benadryl to keep me under control until surgery, but just because that is all you are experiencing NOW, doesn’t mean it cannot get worse and become life threatening. Sometimes it can take a while to get that severe if you continue use. CALL YOU DOCTOR NOW!!!!! Just because it took 12 days doesn’t mean it wont get more dangerous for you.
    Good Luck,

    Post count: 93172

    Call your dr. with your symptoms. You could be having a reaction to it and need to be switched to PTU…but don’t wait, call him now okay :)

    Post count: 93172

    Has anyone else experienced red itchy skin while taking Tapazole? I am also taking Atenolol (beta blocker) and was prescribed a steriod (decadron) about two days ago. Since I have been taking the beta blocker for a longer amount of time then the Tapazole, I am wondering if it could be the Tapazole (I have been on it for 12 days). I have had an allergic reaction before to another drug and it took over a week to develop a rash. Anyone have any ideas?

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