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    Post count: 93172


    Thanks for the advice. I hope it helps some people. I don’t think the idea of the warm bath for the hives is a good idea for me or anyone with *allergic* hives however. (would definately be a good idea for just itcy dry skin though) Whenever I get the hives I have to have medication because they ALWAYS throw me into anaphlaxic shock. And one of the no-no’s for hives is heat, whether sweating or a bath or shower. It should be cool water if that is the case. Warmth makes them spread, just like scratching. I am however glad it worked for you.
    As for the stress…another technique some might want to use to help with sleep or removing yourself from a stressful situation is concentrating on your muscles. I start with my feet and work my way up to my head. Clear your mind and concentrate only on the feeling in that certain area. (feet, shins, thighs, back, arms, neck, head) Concentrate on relaxing the muscles in that certain area and once they are relaxed move on to the next. One at a time. If for some reason you move and/or notice they are no longer relaxed…go back and start over. Hope that doesn’t sound too complicated, it really isn’t. But it helps relax and also take your mind off of all the racing thoughts that occur with being hyper or stressed. Mood music/noise in the background is also helpful for those of us who cannot stand total silence. (LOL)
    Hope this helps someone out there. Try it, it *usually* works for me.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi all,
    Sure is good to have the BB back up and able to post again!!! Thanks for getting it back.

    Regarding the itching, growing up when we had dry itching skin or the few times any of the 4 of us kids had hives my mom would draw a warm bath (relaxing anytime!!!) and add half a box of baking soda into it. It sure did help with the itching part and made the skin feel like silk. Since the GD diagnosis and going through the dry itching skin that comes from GD I use this whenever I start itching and it truly helps me. I hope it can help someone else, and it is an inexpensive thing to try out before spending tons of money on other things.

    Stress…UGH!!! Things have been stressful for me again lately, and the one thing I have truly become aware of is how stress affects my body. When I am stressed my right eye gets the buggy look, I have some double vision, tend to feel more hyper…just all around crappy. When I take conscious steps to relax and let go of the stress these things turn around…so try to find a way to reduce it. For me, I use a relaxation tape with visulization (sp?) Somedays it doesn’t seem easy to find the time to do this and I do pay the price for it. It does help, whether it be soothing music, yoga, prayer, meditation…whatever method will work for you, try it. It may take more than once or twice before anyone sees the difference so it is best to persevere with it. It will work.

    Post count: 93172

    My sister reminded me tonight that “mom always used *tepid* water Jode, not warm”…so your absolutely right about the warm water. The baking soda does help with the itching and dry skin though.

    I had forgotten about the muscle relaxing technique. It does work also and wonderfully so. I use to do that at night when I would go to bed and couldn’t sleep, by the time I got to upper arms I was out like a light. It has just been a long time for that one, but now that you have reminded me I shall use that again on the nights when sleep doesn’t want to come to easily.

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