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  • Stephster
    Post count: 9

    P.s. on an unrelated but in retrospect funny note. I already wound up in the Minor Injuries unit of my hospital last night. My little boy pulled over the standard lamp which hit me on the head at high velocity, whilst I was trying to have a quiet cup of coffee on the sofa.
    I have a lovely bruise, but not otherwise no harm done – the standard lamp, however, is beyond repair ! :lol:

    Post count: 9

    Hi all

    and welcome to the new week ! Hope everybody is hanging on in there.

    I had to cancel my girlie weekend away as I developed hives all over my body and the most incredible itching, even on my palms and the soles of my feet. An antihistamine I have had prescribed for my hayfever helped a little bit, but it has stopped me from sleeping.

    Also, my dry, sore eyes which I thought were a result of my hayfever have not resolved with the end of the season. I can no longer drive for long either, as a weird sort of pressure feeling builds up behind them when I am focussing on the road.

    Is this anything to do with the Grave’s or am I just starting to put all my symptoms down to it ?

    Seeing the consultant this lunchtime, and would just like to know whether to talk to him about it, what questions to ask, etc ?

    Thanks in advance.


    Post count: 1324

    Well, I’m glad to hear that the lamp was damaged more than you! That could have been ugly.

    As to the itchiness/hives. They are a symptom of an allergic reaction to something. What that something is, however, may be difficult to pin down. They most definitely can be caused by a reaction to a medication; they can also by caused by an over sensitivity to heat/sunlight. You need to discuss them with your doctor. Allergic reactions can get worse over time, not better.

    Post count: 484

    The dry eyes can definitely be Graves.


    Post count: 4294

    Steph – Yes, the eye issues can potentially be a sign of Thyroid Eye Disease. Most patients during the course of their Graves’ will have at least *some* symptoms of TED, so this is not at all uncommon.

    However, it would be helpful to start the process of getting a referral to an opthalmologist (not just an optomotrist) for further evaluation. They will be able to do some baseline tests that will be helpful later in the event that your eye symptoms do start to progress. The good news is that the majority of patients do not experience the WORST of the eye symptoms…but many of us do have some level of inconvenience to deal with.

    Best of luck!

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