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  • SueAndHerZoo
    Post count: 439

    Definitely under-rated and I am going to start making positive changes that will enable me to get a higher quality and quantity of sleep. I have developed some terrible habits over the decades and while I was getting away with it for a long time, I assume that party is over and it’s time to start improving the way I treat my body if I want it to treat me better. I am slowly weaning myself off of coffee (down to 3 cups a day) and today I made sure my last cup was 4:30 p.m. In the past, the last one was about 8:00 p.m. I will continue to move up the “last cup” time but don’t want to do it drastically as I want to avoid those withdrawal headaches and other related symptoms.

    You remind me (thank you) of what a nutritionist/homeopathic doc told me YEARS ago when I went to him for something: he kept stressing through the entire appointment how incredibly critical sleep is for the human body. He told me that all the other things he could suggest and that I’d been trying would not even hold a candle to what better sleep could do for me. I trusted him immensely (he had improved so many things for me and my son) so I have no reason to believe he wasn’t right about that, too. That was a long time ago so thank you for the reminder.

    Bed by 11:00 tonight, but I’m still going to have a sitcom on quietly in the background, at least for 30 minutes. This will still be a big improvement over what I’m currently doing.


    Post count: 40

    Some people are ‘lucky’ ( or pick your own word). For as long as I can remember, I have risen around 4:00 AM (sleep in until 5:00 AM on weekends -lol) while hitting the hay no earlier than 10:00 PM.

    For the record , I was diagnosed with GD last November and have gone thru the well-known rollercoaster of hyper-to-hypo-to-hyper and my sleep habits have not changed. In that time I have been fortunate to not have experienced any of the anxiety issues on one end nor the lethargy issues on the other end.

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