Hi there,
I feel for what you are going thru. I had to fire two endos before I finally found this one. He not only checks my levels he also checks for symptoms and finally and most importantly always asks me how I am feeling and what I think. Afterall, no two people are the same and only I know what feels like “normal” for me. After what I had went through with the first two, this guy was a Godsend.Good Luck and let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Take Care.
to donnalynn: I know just how you feel. I was diagnosed five years ago with Graves Disease. However, since I have continually had normal levels – one dr says “Fibromyalgia”, the other “Anxiety Disorder”, “Mercury Toxicity”. Some drs have also said that maybe I’m under a lot of stress and that I may fall under “Obcessive Compulsive Disorder” – so they put me on anti-depressants. I have weaned myself off of them – I know they are wrong. I am not depressed, not stressed (anymore than anyone else!) I am on pain medicine, just so I can function each day. I go through the motions, but have to struggle to get through them. I am looking for an endocrinologist who is willing to understand the “normal” limit problem. Let me know how you succeed. Good Luck!
Like the rest of you, I have Graves disease. I was diagnosed when I was 13, went into remission at 21, and at 22 went into thyroid storm (which is pretty horrible, by the way!). In 1991 I had RAI to completely removed my thyroid and finally got placed on the right dose of synthroid, .125 I’m now 32 and am feeling a lot of symptoms of hypo…cold fingers and toes, lethargic, having a hard time getting my thoughts together, grumpy, feeling that “out of body” thing where I know that I’m doing and saying things but don’t feel in control of them, hair loss, weight gain by just thinking about food, and so on and so on. I went to see an endo who supposedly has a lot of experience with Graves. He suggested that I might be manic depressive (have never had a mental disorder before, by the way) or am dealing with anxiety or depression. There are NO stressors in my life at this time and I’m not one to be depressed, but me made me feel like I was completely luny!!! We did the TSH and the free T4, but they still show me within “normal limits” although the levels have been dropping steadily since I turned 30. WHat do I do? The doctor won’t increase my meds until I’m no longer in the normal range but I’m MISERABLE!!! I know I’m not crazy…I just need more meds. HELP!!!
My doctor feels that the normal TSH range is too wide and most people need to have a TSH <2 to be feeling OK. He also is very in tuned to how his patients feel clinically, and even willing to change doses during phone conversations. While I know that is a rarity, he is in practice at a major university hospital, and no maverick. (I work at the same hospital.) It took a concerned fellow (doctor in training) to clue me in that all endocrinologists aren't the same (she bluntly told me to find a new doctor when she finished training and was leaving the clinic) and I found my current gem through my internist's advice. While we haven't succeeded in getting me normalized yet, just talking to him always makes me feel hopeful, and convinced that I am not "crazy", just still a bit ill. So keep looking, ask other doctors and nurses who they would go to. There are top docs lists available on some newsletters that might help. Mag
Dear Donna Lyn, You most certainly are not crazy. I know exactly how you feel. I feel like that a-lot of the time to I also take synthroid .125 I have had Graves disease since 1994 most of the time I don’t feel too bad. But I have definitely felt the way you do. You are not alone. I am 29 years old and I feel so tired lately, which I can’t afford to be with four small children. Nobody knows how tired I am I just had meds adjusted and am waiting to go back for more bloodwork in a couple weeks to see if the new dosage is in the “normal” range. Half the time I think they’re the ones that are crazy. You just hang in there things will get better. Feel free to reply anytime. Melissa
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