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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hello Bossylady,

    I’m not the best person to answer your questions. The people that work this message board are filled with answers and knowledge of this disease.

    Your eye doctor more then likely want to see how your eyes are doing before that RAI treatment. Sometimes it does more damage to ones eyes then before the treatment. He might want to increase you Prednisone, or put you on.

    Does Graves ever come to an end. I haven’t found my rainbow yet, but I know it’s out there waiting for me. The thing I have found most imporant is to not let the little and bigs things stress you out. I know easier said then done. I enjoy a long bath or watch an old movie.

    As I state in the first paragraph of this message I’m not the best to answer your questions. Please be patient and someone will be with you quickly, that I can promise.

    Good Luck Bossylady and God Bless You,

    Post count: 93172

    I have recently been diagnosed as having Graves. I am scheduled for RAIU on September 3. I am scheduled to see an eye doctor in two weeks. I have pressure behind my eyes, which also always feel like they have sand in them, but no protrusion. My question is this: will I still have symptoms and problems, will I still have Graves’ disease after I complete RAIU, or will I be cured?

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