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  • kataso
    Post count: 12

    Hello all. I had posted about a sore throat after taking Tapazole. First, let me state that I have never been one to have a lot of medical issues or be concerned about symptoms. I was diagnosed with subclinical hyperthyroidism and a multinodular toxic goiter. I have been taking 7.5 mg of Tapazole since approx. Oct. Since then I have developed numerous symptoms and have seen many different types of doctors….sore throat, rash at hairline, white bumps on lips, exfoliative cheilitis (very severe peeling of the lips), tingling at mouth like cold sore is coming but is nots, tickles on my face near my nose and eye…No one connected any of these symptoms and in researching last night, I see that all of these are side effects of both tapazole and ptu and you should stop using the meds if you have any of these side effects. Has anyone else had such side effects? Now what? I went off the meds for two weeks after I told my doc about my sore throat and a lot my hyperthyroid symptoms came back (serious heart palpitations when I lay down….cant sleep due to the palpitations, nervous, even more hair loss than normal already, etc.) I went to my primary care doctor and she said start taking the tapazole asap again. I had stopped due to sore throat so she prescribed 150 mg of ptu (50mg three times a day). I did not get blood tests until 7 days after I stopped because that is what the endo directed. I did not see your posts to get it done asap until several days later. Now I read about all of these side effects that I have relate to both ptu and tapazole. I have called 10 new endo’s today and cant get in to any until March. I did not want to go back to my original because she feels my symptoms are due to something else and basically I don’t feel she is going to try to help at this point. She is also the one that made me wait to get the white blood cell count.

    What are your immediate options if you are hyperthyroid but cant tolerate these two meds. The peeling lip situation is absolutely horrible. I cant explain how bad it looks, makes you feel, etc.

    Post count: 273

    Unfortunately if you can’t tolerate the two meds, your only other options are thyroidectomy or RAI. Still, be careful concluding the two meds don’t work or are causing the side effects – it is quite possible it is simply that you are on the wrong dosage or it is a result of your thyroid levels being in the wrong place. The main deal-breaker side effects for the meds are if your white blood cell count is plummeting or your have liver reactions which is why timely monitoring is so important. Definitely important to find an endo you feel good about before making major decisions.

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – You definitely need to be under the care of a physician while you make this difficult decision. Hopefully, your primary care doc can continue to monitor your condition while you wait to see another endo. If your schedule is flexible, asking to be placed on a cancellation list can sometimes get you a faster appointment.

    Sore throat and mouth sores can be potential signs of agranulocytosis – a severe side effect of anti-thyroid drugs. However, with the delay in getting lab tests done, it will be difficult to tell if that’s what you were dealing with (assuming that your WBC results came back OK when the test was done the following week). If agranulocytosis is confirmed via lab results, the medical guidance recommends *not* switching to the other med, due to the risk that the same thing could happen again, so definitely be vigilant for any new symptoms.

    Wishing you all the best as you work through this tough decision!

    Post count: 12

    Thank you Kimberly and Rasberry. Yes, my white cell count was fine a week after stopping the medication. I found one endo that is going to get me in later this week! This is just so frustrating! Thank you so much.

    Post count: 12

    Thank you Kimberly and Rasberry. Yes, my white cell count was fine a week after stopping the medication. I found one endo that is going to get me in later this week! This is just so frustrating! Thank you so much.

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