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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I have been prescribed corticosone for thyroid disease and was wondering if anyone had any experience with this medicine and what side effects have been experienced if any. I am concerned due to possible weight gain and also taking other meds. I am taking metaprolol and a liquid multi vitamin at the moment. I am also taking methiamozole for the thyroid. I appreciate any comments which would be given.

    Post count: 93172

    I tool cortisone for seven months after being diagnosed with TED, then my doctor said it was enough. I had to taper off slowly, It did cause weight gain (30 pounds) which i have lost by dieting and it took about the same seven months. My endo allowed only 15 minutes of gentle exercise a week, later raised to twice a week, which is where i am now, so don’t depend on exercise to lose the weight. I cut carbs and ate small amounts of healthy food (200-300 calories) every 3-4 hours and lost a pound a week. Hope this helps you!

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