I’m so happy to see that this website and resource is still thriving!
In fact, it seems like there’s even more information now. How awesome is that?
I was diagnosed in the mid-1990’s and participated on the bulletin board that was here back then. First I did an antithyroid drug (I forget which one), but while it brought my numbers down to normal, I couldn’t eat and generally felt really lousy. I finally decided to do the radioactive iodine treatment and after about a year, I was mostly back to normal.
The way Graves’ affected me the most (in addition to the heart palpitations, etc.) when I was really sick was causing my digestive system to move so fast that I always felt really sick to my stomach. So I couldn’t eat. Add that to the fact that my metabolism was going a mile a minute, I went from about 110 lbs. to 80 lbs! Rice crackers and Ensure Plus were my friends.
Since about 2000, I’ve been pretty healthy. I’m on a low dose of generic synthroid and I get my thyroid levels checked every 4 to 6 months. My most recent test, which was only a few weeks ago, was totally normal.
But over the past couple of years, sometimes my digestive system starts acting just like it did back then. It’s giving me some trouble now which is what prompted me to look up the National Graves’ Disease Foundation again. I’ve found that taking OTC Pepsid helps a bit since that’s what my doctor used to prescribe for me when my thyroid was still all whacked out.
I know that having one autoimmune disease makes me far more likely to develop another and a lot of my stomach symptoms mimic those of Celiac Disease. However, that’s not based on anything besides reading some of the studies posted here.
My next appointment with my doctor is a full physical, scheduled for December. So my questions are these:
Anyone out there have any similar experiences with digestive problems?
Should I try and push up my appointment to sooner?
I can pretty much still function as well as before. Granted, I don’t think I ever got back to my pre-Graves’ self, but at least I’m able to work, etc.
Again, I’m so happy this awesome resource is still here.
– Hatsumi
Hello and welcome back! Hopefully, others here will chime in with their experiences.
Clearly, this issue is not only causing you concern, but is affecting your quality of life as well. If it was me, I would see if I could get the appointment pushed up. If your doctor is 100% booked up until December, perhaps you can ask to be placed on a cancellation list.
Hope you can get some answers soon!
Hatsumi –
WELCOME HOME – I hope that’s how many people here feel–that this is a place they can come home to. It is also good to hear that you are feeling pretty good (except for your stomach thing). It is what we have been referring to as our “new normal”.
Take Care,
NancyHey there! My earliest symptoms of Graves were digestive issues too- gas, bloating, and everything moving through me way too fast! I also had frequent spells of nausea. I had tests for celiacs, food allergies and was eventually told I had IBS and anxiety. I was treated for those but things only got worse. I was diagnosed 5 months ago with Graves and put on ATD’s and things are slowly getting better in that aspect. My stomach has calmed down quite a bit but every now and then goes haywire. I’m sad that after a “permanent” treatment you are still dealing with issues, it makes me feel a bit hopeless for my own outcome!
@Steph82 – It’s important to note that no two cases of Graves’ are alike…in other words, your mileage may vary! Also, keep in mind that the vast majority of Graves’ patients receive treatment and move on with their lives…they don’t spend time posting on forums like these. (Which is why we are *especially* thankful when those who have “been there, done that” choose to stick around to help share insight and support with our new members).
@Kimberly – Thanks for the welcome and the advice. I may see what I can do about seeing my doctor sooner rather than later. Since my symptoms kind of come and go, it’s hard to decide whether or not I really need to go. I’m starting to feel better, but who knows…
@Steph82 – Kimberly beat me to it. I was going to say pretty much the same thing.
@Nancy – Do I remember you from the 90s? Your name is very familiar. And thanks for the warm welcome home. I love that “new normal” phrase. It’s pretty great. I’m totally going to use that from now on. -
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