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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi, I’ new on this email biz so please bare with me. I was diagnosed
    with Graves disease 2 years ago with the fleeting wave of a hand (or
    was that my impression and i wasn’t listening?). I work with
    challenging teenagers with autism and love a challenge – thrive on it.
    However I then started finding I had no energy once I was home, OR
    I just wished to “brutally attack my partner through immense anger” and
    then follow on with the evening. (Yes we are still together and he is
    still alive). I now read on this eye opening Bulletin Board everyones
    letters and realise that SH…. I’ve really got this GD and this is why
    I feel sweats, aches, stress, anger (irrationally), etc etc etc.Thank
    you for being out there although I am feeling instantly depressed
    realising this is not a picnic. I feel scared, but happy to know
    others, but ignorant after reading some letters….I don’t know
    how i feel. I’m taking one tablet a day and my real question is …GD,
    i believe gives me an edge an exhileration, a clarity and speed when I
    need it at work. Do I want to get this GD into balance and loose that??
    ??? Yes I also if I get too tired get that Brain fog but I call it total
    shut down as I just don’t know where I am or what I’m doing. So, I stop
    and sleep or wait for my partner to come and get me. I usually know
    when I’m close to it. When I’m really exhausted.

    I’ve raved sorry it’s just a relief to find you

    Thanks Val H

    Post count: 93172

    Hi, I’ new on this email biz so please bare with me. I was diagnosed with Graves disease 2 years ago with the fleeting wave of a hand (or was that my impression and i wasn’t listening?). I work with challenging teenagers with autism and love a challenge – mthrive on it. However I then started finding I had no energy once I was home, OR I just wished to “brutally attack my partner through immense anger” and then follow on with the evening. (Yes we are still together and he is still alive). I now read on this eye opening Bulletin Board everyones letters and realise that SH…. I’ve really got this GD and this is why I feel sweats, aches, stress, anger (irrationally), etc etc etc.Thank you for being out there although I am feeling instantly depressed realising this is not a picnic. I feel scared, but happy to know others, but ignorant after reading some letters….I don’t know how i feel. I’m taking one tablet a day and my real question is …GD, i believe gives me an edge an exhileration, a clarity and speed when I need it at work. Do I want to get this GD into balance and loose that????? Yes I also if I get too tired get that Brain fog but I call it total shut down as I just don’t know where I am or what I’m doing. So, I stop and sleep or wait for my partner to come and get me. I usually know when I’m close to it. When I’m really exhausted.

    I’ve raved sorry it’s just a relief to find you

    Thanks Val H

    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Val:

    And welcome to the board. I don’t know what kind of treatment you had for the Graves, but in answer to one of your questions, NO, I don’t think you should want to stay slightly hyper (if that is what you are) just because you feel it gives you an edge with your work. Too much thyroid hormone, over too long a period of time, can lead to early osteoporosis — we can lose bone density when we are hyper. And that’s not to speak of the extra strain that the heart can be under, if it is beating faster than it should due to elevated hormone levels. But if you are being treated by a doctor who checks your hormone levels, and if they are in the normal range, then the other things — fatigue, brain fog — might just be a normal result of the end of a long, hard day with your students. Just make sure your levels are checked every once in a while, for your own sake.

    Take care,


    Post count: 93172

    I find it interesting that you feel”exiliratated” with GD. I am 2 years post RAI and now fairly “normal” on the replacement stuff but I do remember a kind of high from the manic-like symptoms of GD. It was especially a downer going from high to low so fast after the RAI. I wonder alot about how much of my behavior and feelings in the past was due to GD. I admit I miss a kind of a rush I used to get with the flood of thoughts, ideas. I have calmed down so much. I feel like a different person.
    But I believe you will be more productive once you are treated. You will be able to much more focussed and of course more patient. A close friend of mine has a 16 yr old non-verbal autistic son. You must have alot of patience. Please e-mail me privately if you have any questions.

    Post count: 93172

    My sister (age 42) was just diagnosed with Graves Disease, & I would like to find out all I can about the disease. If anyone can help me, it would be greatly appreciated. The articles I have read so far really do not tell me a whole lot. The worst part is that I live in New York and she lives in Virginia Beach and so I cannot be there with her to do whatever I can to help. Thank you. Nanci

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