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  • mamabear
    Post count: 484

    Hiya girl!!!
    Well yep I’d say he needs a good check up. If he doesn’t want to go to dr. just let me know and I’ll send my trusty frying pan that I keep for emergencies like this.

    I HATE, HATE, HATE THE COLD(did i stress hate enough lol) and when I am out of remission I am so completely without a coat during the cold and I am actually warm. I tend to be cold to begin with unless i’m pregnant or my graves is acting up.

    Get him checked out, it wont hurt him to see the dr.

    good luck girl

    Post count: 1569

    You’re definitely right to have his levels tested ~ all things considered! If it IS Graves’, then he’s ten steps ahead by all the work you’ve done learning about it, truly. You also will have saved him some certain misery as the symptoms increased to the point where he WOULD see a doctor. When is that with a man, anyway? :lol: I hope it’s not Graves’, but you’re wise to mention it to him.

    Post count: 128

    My brother was coatless for the entire winter. He’s still coatless now.

    We live in the Northeast so you know the winters here aren’t exactly balmy.

    "I don’t need a coat; I feel fine," he keeps saying.

    Now he’s telling me he’s got a bathtub full of hair after he showers.

    Baldness isn’t indigenous to the men in our family. Their hair turned grey and maybe thinned a bit but none of the guys in our family have any type of baldness.

    I told him to see a doc to be on the safe side, particularly given the fact that he knows what happened to me last fall.

    Post count: 128

    I told him to go get baseline levels — this was way back at the start of November when I was diagnosed. He wouldn’t listen to me then.

    Makes you wonder; he’s had a ton of surgeries for whacked out knees, an elbow injury, a rotator cuff — but sit for a simple blood test he will not do.

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