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  • ewmb
    Post count: 484

    I am over a year out from starting hormone replacement after RAI in May 2009. It does take a lot of time for your body to heal. I am now very close to my correct dose and I do feel that I am a lot better now. It’s all relative though. I am not like I was before Graves and I’m not sure I ever will be. It does get better…… Keep on thinking positively. A lot can depend on what else is going on in your life and your health.


    Post count: 1324

    We do not really start to heal properly until we get our thyroid hormone levels controlled in the normal zone.

    Post count: 89

    I was just wondering when the actual healing process begins. Is is when you finally get on the correct dose of
    synthroid, or is it as soon as you have the RAI. I still get those tired feelings and I had RAI in January. We are
    still trying to get the correct dose of synthroid.
    Thanks for any input on this.

    Post count: 1569

    Just one point to add ~ when our levels are controlled, it means we have found our correct spot within the normal range, and we’ve been stable at that spot for a while (at least a few weeks, better as time goes on). It’s only then that the true healing begins. Keep in mind that the attack lessens as the levels come within the normal range, but it’s still important to find your best possible spot. If you have prior thyroid level tests (before you were sick), that may give you some idea of what to aim for.

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