Hi there,
Has anyone experienced extreme muscle tension issues with being hyper? I am just waiting for lab results but I am thinking I am a bit hyper and this muscle tension hasn’t resolved with massage, physio, chiropractic or accupuncture. It’s affecting my neck and jaw for the most part but complete body tension is an issue.
CarlaHi Carla – Perhaps someone else can jump in here, but I am more familiar with muscle *weakness* rather than muscle *tension* as a symptom of hyperthyroidism.
Is there any chance you are grinding your teeth at night? I was doing this when I was hyper, and I know of one other patient who had the same issue. My dentist caught it because it was actually wearing grooves in the enamel. You might be experiencing a different issue, but it could be worth checking out.
I had some times when I was really hyper when my muscles acted like they wouldn’t extend and they really hurt. This was especially prevalent in my legs. One morning I couldn’t stand up in the shower. The doctor on call that weekend cut my PTU dose in half. He said it was a side effect. I went on methimazole later on and didn’t have that again. I have fibromyalgia as well, for 16 years, Graves only 3. The muscle "things’ I experienced while hyper were very different than just sore. Hope that you find some relief soon. Do you stretch every morning in the shower? I did this and it seemed to help, the warm water and all felt good while I was stretching.
I have had what Ewmb highlighted muscle weakness but I would get early morning stiffness where I couldn’t open my hands or walk on my feet properly. I too would feel my calf muscles going into spasm but I think this was more down to weakness than tightening- is this something similar to what you are meaning?
I don’t actually have very much muscle weakness although I’m not very muscular at this time. Just a few days ago my husband and I started P90X exercise program which is positive in that regard but it’s adding to the muscle tension issue because it’s an intense workout. I just can’t seem to feel relaxed very often, it’s like my muscle’s are on high alert.
I’m taking Magnesium supplements also as it’s supposed to help with muscle tension. I just thought since I can’t seem to get this resolved, maybe it’s Graves related or thyroid level related. I have just started alternating my doses for a slightly lower dosage of synthroid but it will be several weeks before I know if that makes a difference. I’m lost.
Thanks for your comments,
i meant to also mention that I am having severe jaw issues too and have got a new splint to wear at night but it’s not stopping the clenching…just protecting my teeth.
ewmb ,
I have that same feeling in my calves Im just in the process of finding out what I have ( hyper ??) & am not yet on ANY meds! It sure does hurt! & make it hard to chase kids around! So sorry you are hurting but it feels good to know Im not alone or crazy! best luck ~ KylaI have to say that when I had jaw and neck tension that would not go away it was due to stress. I remember going to a neurologist who did an MRI of my brain just in case and when I saw her she said that with all my kids and the stress it was affecting me in this way. I didn’t really believe her but did what she said anyway and I was amazed that it worked. She first said to get the kids out of my room (they were sleeping with me and I got no sleep). I started to get myself ready for bed at about 8:30pm and was in bed usually around 9pm because I had to wake up at about 6am. it’s not like that anymore but I do try to get 8 hours although the times are different now.
I was also clenching my jaw which was causing this major pain and after being able to sleep the right amount of hours the pain eventually went away. I was also under my dentist’s care as well. I took what they said with a grain of salt because to them any thing they can get you to do is money in their pocket lol.
This was 3 years ago, but more recently last year I again was unable to relax, not getting sleep makes everything stressful even if it’s not a bad stress. I was told by my dr. that I needed sleep again more than 8 hours due to the demands of being a mother with all these kids. She also gave me a sleep aide but I would recommend you speak with your dr. about that before doing it. I was pleased with taking the sleep aide, it taught me how to go to bed relaxed again and I only used it 4 times, it was such a pleasant feeling of being able to learn how to relax. You have to sit in bed before you take it so you don’t get over excited. GReat way to teach yourself to take a few minutes for yourself.
I don’t know if this is really thyroid related or more tension from stress or lack of proper sleep but I do hope that you get relief soon. ummmmm not to pry but my neurologist told me when I was going through this that when getting ready for bed and laying down to sleep, not to have sex. If sex is to happen its before trying to start getting ready for bed. She said because you are trying to "retrain" your body to relax before bed so you get a better nights sleep. With sex although it feels good it actually tenses muscles and keeps your brain "awake" and that is not what you want to do. Sorry if too much information but thought i’d throw that out there to let you know.
mamabear ,
Your life sounds kinda like mine 4 kids aged 18 to 4 yrs old, 2 dogs 1 cat a hermet crab & hubbie, LOL all this & sick to!Thanks Mamabear,
I think you’re onto something with the whole sleep thing causing tension. My test results are back and I am in hyper range again and when I am hyper I don’t sleep very well at all so I’ve reduced my synthroid a bit and already starting to feel more relaxed because I am sleeping better. I will see how this goes for a while. Thanks so much for your wisdom!
Kylar, where I live I am considered nuts for having 4, the norm is 3 or less. There are a few couples that have 5 and one has 7 kids. We giggle about having another, my oldest son (will be 15 ) says no more kids mom please! LOL DH and I agree that it’s not his life, he can have as many or little as he would like but we’ll have what we want. I’d love to have more but at times I feel we are done and should focus on the ones we have. I think my youngest daughter who is 3 wants me to have twin girls next lol. For now I’m fine with 4.
Carly, you are welcome.. Sleep can cause many problems even when we dont have graves’ disease. You wouldn’t deprive a child of food, so we shouldn’t deprive our bodies of at least 10 hours of rest. Try the best you can and retrain your body to get proper sleep. I know it’s hard when we are sitting there staring up at the ceiling but there is nothing we can’t accomplish even if its as simple as training our bodies to get the right amount of sleep.
Having a good bedtime routine is key…relaxing before hand is key! Getting in pj’s and getting into the bed is highly key. It helps your body know what time it is. You can do it!!!!
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