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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Steve: It sounds like you may just need a readjustment of your Levo.
    It would be nice to know exactly what your actual levels were. Maybe the Levo is suppressing your TSH levels abit. Try not to worry.


    Post count: 93172

    I need some answers please, just called for my bloodwork ,had to put
    up a fight to get the results but here it is secretary told me that im a little
    hyper again to cut my levothyroxin in half and see the doctor next week
    i didn’t get to talk to a doctor,this would explain why i had hives,and why
    im eating again,secretary says no.I’m going crazy what does this mean
    my rai didnt work in sept i went hypo after for 3 weeks than normal and
    now i find out im hyper again,will i have to go now for rai again are is this
    just the meds -thank you -steve

    Post count: 93172

    What a frustration this stupid disease can be!!! I was feeling so terrific — working out at the gym, lots of energy, really feeling like I was finally making progress, and helping myself along. Monday night…WHAM. The heart rate jacked up again to 110, tremors, muscle weakness. I want to throw crockery at the walls. But I don’t have the energy to clean up the mess. I really do wish I knew what was going on. So, as per Glynis’ suggestion, I am going to start keeping a symptom log (I HATE obsessing about symptoms!!!!) and see if there is any pattern to when this occurs, or why.

    GLYNIS: I, too, had miscarriage problems due to to low hormone levels. Could you email me, please, with the information that your OB/GYN has given you about your situation? I’d like to double check on this with my doctors. Thanks.


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