I went on tapzole 7 weeks ago, and it’s working well for me – I feel significantly better and my T4 is normal, T3 just a bit above normal, though TSH is still basically zero. The doctor’s assistant told me to watch for signs of hypo, and I’m just wondering what people’s experiences were in terms of hitting normal ranges and then time until they went hypo if their medication wasn’t reduced (I’m currently taking 20mg/day, which is what I started with as well)
thanks for sharing your experiences!!
Hello Elise: I went on Tapazole with GREAT RESPONSE immediately too. It took about 3 months for my thyroid to calm down. He kept me on the same dosage for another 30 days and I ended up going into HYPO, he weaned me back to .5 mg and now I’m HYPER again so he’s increased the dosage. Unfortunately I haven’t found a "mean" for the Tapazole yet, but I’m hopeful. This disease has an ugly way of "rearing it’s head" with symptoms.
Keep in close contact with your Endo to stay on the right course for you…remember that you’re the driver!! Good luck!!
thanks for the information –
I’m wondering what hypo symptoms you felt first (if you felt symptoms prior to having another blood test) – just want to know what I should be looking out for the most…
thanks so much!
Hi Elise,
I’m happy to hear you are feeling better. Like everything else – they symptoms may be different for everyone but when I went to hypo I gained weight and I am usually tired, where I could sleep all day if my 2 little ones would let me. I also become very fatigued if I do to much in one day I’m wiped out the next day.
I think usually weight gain is the biggest complaint when you are hypo; just check with your doctor to make sure you can continue with workouts.
You will need blood work thought to actually find out if you went to hypo but your dr. should do those pretty regularly if you are just starting out with Tapazole, maybe every 6 weeks at least.
I was wondering this also, as I have been taking Tapazole for about a month now 25mg a day… it was just increased from 20. I just started taking meds to lower my heart rate but am actually feeling better. I feel like I can "think" again. I’m curious about when my doctor is going to want to do the RAI. He is pretty much clueless and since I’m on medicaid he hasn’t referred me to an endo yet. But I’m getting nervous because I think I will be off Medicaid by December…..I am for sure feeling more anxious lately!!
Good Luck and keep us updated on how your feeling.
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