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  • Madame_X
    Post count: 128

    YOu most certainly need one who will fully describe Graves, how it manifests itself, its symptoms, lab indicies involved, Rx and the way they work (including side effects) and what the course of treatment will be.

    And you most certainly need an endo who will take time to answer all of your questions.

    Try an endo who is affiliated with a local teaching hospital and, if possible, one who is an instructor/professor of endocrinology at a med school. (make an appointment with a couple; this way, if you don’t like the first one, you can see the second one and yr wait time won’t be that long at that point)

    Post count: 292

    Just for the record, if the endocrinologist is a good one, it’s really normal to have to wait months to get in to see him/her for the first visit, but usually worth it. I wouldn’t let that alone discourage you, because you may be eliminating the only good endos if you do that.

    After that first visit, it gets easier.

    Living in Phoenix you should have a pretty good selection of endos at Mayo. I wish I knew some, but am afraid I don’t. Good luck!

    Post count: 1

    I was diagnosed last year with Graves disease. I was admitted into ICU with some heart issues,which they think was caused by a thyroid storm. I have been going to the Dr that I saw in the hospital. I’m not sure she is the right Dr for me. I’m now having a hard time finding another Dr. Everyone I am referred to is either not accepting new patients or I cant get in to see for months. How do you pick the right endocrinologist? I’m in west Phoenix. I was wondering if anyone has a Dr out here they like? Or if anyone can give me any tips on how to find the right one. Thank you

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