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  • npatterson
    Post count: 398

    What a great, generous and thoughtful idea! Have you had anyone take you up on your offer?

    Take care,

    Post count: 4

    I would like to suggest that each year wherever the conference is held we try to find host families to allow out-of-state conference attendees to stay with them during the time of the conference to help defer the expenses associated with traveling out of state. I live in Charlotte and have already offered to be a host family so we can help someone else be able to attend this very important conference. If the conference was not within minutes of our home this year we would not be able to attend. Who’s with me?

    Post count: 4

    Peter had told me there was a lady who had said the expense of coming was too high and i told him to tell her she can stay with us. I have not heard back from Peter yet to see if she would like to stay with us.

    Post count: 31

    Hi Lynda,

    I did speak to her, she is unable to come this year. Thank you again for your offer – it is deeply appreciated.

    During the next several days, should anyone else contact the National Office, I will call you to discuss your gracious offer.

    Should anyone have an interest in coming next weekend, please call me at 877.643.3123.



    Post count: 4

    Ok, cool. Maybe at some point in the conference you can bring this idea up to the group and also forward it to the group leaders of all the suppport groups to let their members know we are trying to make this happen. As it would open the doors for a lot more people to come to the conferences and make more money for the foundation to further research and find a cure!

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