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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi all. . .as I previously threatened, I have started a homepage with a display of my eyes (a better photo will be on soon), and invitations to add your eyes to my collection. It helps me deal with the distress of Graves’ Ophthalmopathy to have fun with it, and sharing with others who have it helps calm the fear of not knowing how bad it will get! As I develop this homepage, I hope to have a large collection of eye photos, with first names and email addresses for those who want those included. I’d like to add each person’s experience with Graves’ Disease who wants to share. I will add links to Graves’ Disease information sites, and hopefully this project can be of support to all who need it.
    If you’re interested in participating, please look at the beginning of this site: From there, you can send me an email indicating your interest, and I will answer concerning the particulars. In the meantime, remember: Bulgy is Beautiful!

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Everyone! There’s been an update or two to my eye collection. Check it out if you’re interested:
    I really would like to have more eye photos and stories, so don’t be shy!

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