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    I had a case of Hives after being on Methimazole for a little over two weeks. My endo said that with drug reactions, hives are normally restricted to the chest area. Since mine were on my extremeties and lower trunk, I think I’m going to try again. Thanks Glynis for your e-mail. Glynis reminded me that our skin becomes thinner and could be more sensitive to things (i.e. detergent). My endo told me to stop taking the Methimzaole for a ccouple days and start back on– and see what happens. If hives are caused by medicine, I can then switch to the “P” word. So, I feel I over-reacted a little, but I’m learning! Good luck to Katylyn. I’ve had good luck so far on ATD. (besides hives thing). — Lauren

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