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  • elf
    Post count: 181

    I did have OD without any real medical need (no optical nerve compression). I didn’t have muscle contraction, neither – my eyes went forward symmetrically. In my mind, OD would have been "cosmetic" surgery. But my eye Dr was insistent for me to NOT call it "cosmetic". The doctor still can code it as medically necessary.

    She said I was ready for OD way back in February 2007. I was scared of these "major" surgeries — of course, like the majority is. So I took another 2 years to mull it over and to see if I could live the way I looked. I couldn’t stand pictures of myself, though, and finally I was ready for OD. Had my first eye last July, it was a slightly bigger eye, and I notice psychological difference already. – I am not as conscious of myself anymore in crowds.

    If you want to do muscle surgery AND decompression, then OD should come first, because it also releves musles and your eye may straighten a bit.

    Having gone through OD, I know it’s not that scary. My bruising was gone by the 10th day (a bit unusual). There is an endoscopic OD method, too, with no cutting and no blood, and results are almost immediate. My clinic doesn’t do that, so I had no choice.

    I am still waiting for the second eye’s OD, and then, afew months later, lid surgery – just because it’s like gastric bypass surgery for obese people – extra hanging skin needs to be removed.

    All of my surgeries were/are going to be without medical indications. I’m in Canada, so I don’t have to deal with insurers, but I read that people in USA (if you are) need to make sure that the Dr codes it properly for insurance purposes.

    Post count: 39

    Thanks for your responses – to TSH at 85 ‘ How Quickly will this resolve’ – I had additional questions – so have started a new Post.

    What’s interesting is I still some of my Thyroid left (based on the ultrasound) but ‘overall decreased in size’ – due to the RAI. I have been Hyper for so many years now.(since Fall of 2006)….knowing Hypo would likely be the next step, once I chose RAI. This was the logical step for me because my meds had to be continually adjusted AND my Eye Drs. kept saying treat your thyroid BEFORE we begin any Eye Surgeries. I know they are separate diseases, but they felt the eyes can change after RAI and wanted to have this run it’s course first.

    As others have mentioned about their Endos – mine does not get rattled easily. Other than saying I was ‘grossly Hyphthyroid’ with a TSH Level at 86.13 (I rechecked my lab results), he basically said to start Levo at 35mcg for 1 week and increase to 75 mcg after week two and come back in 6 weeks. I hope this does the trick. I definitely feel sluggish and out of sorts. I feel for you Valerie having to work with small children at home during that time. I’m grateful for not working currently (kids are grown) and having time to focus on a wellness plan – yoga, exercise and clean eating. I’ve been during this for years and definitely think it’s helped to keep me centered during this time.

    My questions for anyone that can share their insights…..

    Has Levothyroxine (a generic for Synthyroid) worked for you?
    Or does the type of drug make a huge difference?

    With regard to Eye Surgeries – I Have TED – now in the Cold Phase and am left with Double Vision (looking up down and sideways) and Proptosis.

    Has anyone had Orbital Decompression without having pressure on their Optic Nerves?
    It seems my current Surgeon considers OD a MAJOR Surgery and will not do for cosmetic reasons (although my popped out eye balls are making me a little crazy after 3 years!). He feels he can get good results from Eyelid (Upper and Lower) Surgery. I have quite a bit of fat in both of these areas.

    Has anyone gone forward with Eye Muscle Surgery – if you have reasonable vision looking straight ahead and near? Form what I’ve read on various posts we’re often left with permanent damage to the eyes that we have to live with. I don’t want to try to correct and mess up further.

    Any inputs to the above questions are welcome and appreciated!

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