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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    That is really interesting. Would like to know more about this sub clinical stuff. I have the eye disease and the thyroid tests ok but have had most of the symptoms of Graves’ , from the hyer to hypo.


    Post count: 93172

    One more question in case anyone has heard of this; I was asked by my doctor if my mother has Graves. Her blood work doesn’t show it, however she does have many of the symptoms. She had a thyroid uptake scan done l5 years ago and that put her in the high range, but because her blood work couldn’t confirm the disease nothing was done for her. My endocrinologist says he would bet she has it, but it’s hidden. How can that be? Any feedback would be appreciated.

    Post count: 93172

    My blood work was “normal” according to my family practice doctor, but my uptake showed 61%, so perhaps this is similar to what your mother is experiencing. I talked with a friend of mine who is an internist, and he said that the T4 and TSH can be within the normal range, with the T3 out of control. Unless a special blood test is done for T3 (and I forget what he called it, free T3, ResinT3???) you won’t pick up the problem. You might want to check to see precisely what was measured in your Mom’s bloodwork.


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