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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Just wanted to say hi to all. I have been reading the latest posts. It is nice to have more posts to read.

    I am doing well with the Levoxyl – been on it around 8 months. My endo released me after my 1st visit back after starting the Levoxyl. My #’s were good. I am now going to a Rheumatologist. Starting seeing her in June. Severe swelling in my hands, fingers, feet, and ankles. I have been taking Plaquenil and Mobic for 3 months and the swelling has disappeared from my feet, but I still get it in my hands. Prednisone was added the other day as needed. I suffer from pain in my feet all the time but it is getting better My biggest problem with all this was that my GP didn’t treat me correctly, because she only looked at test results which showed negative for rheumatoid or lupus. The Rheumatologist immediately said that she could see from the symptoms what was going on and started treating me. She didn’t rely only on tests.

    I think that being treated like “it’s all in my head” has been the worst. My family, friends, co-workers, GP – all initially treated me like I was/am a hypochondriac. This site has saved me. I have an outlet to share with people that understand and are non-judgemental. I have also learned so much that it helps me to understand more when the doctor tells me something.

    Thank you all and keep posting. I need you and I hope that I can be of some help to the “newbies”. Sharing the low times and encouraging each other with the good times helps all of us.

    Keep posting,


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