Great news! I hope to join you in a few months and be celebrating my success with ending the bad symptoms. Hard days are still ahead though for me. Had my office taken out from under me today at work. Has to go to someone else who probably makes more money than I do
I guess I had an adrenaline rush with the upsetting news and had to come home. HR up and BP and tremors came on really fast. I was hoping that that was gone since I have been having lower HR numbers in the past few days. Maybe it’s all part of the plan…… I will keep up hope hearing your good news.
Keep smiling at your small neck. It’s a great reminder of your success.
” title=”Smile” />
I am soooo happy for you
” title=”Smile” /> Keep us posted and updated. I am happy your scar is minimal, I am happy your depression/gloomy days are behind you (fingers crossed). You are such a strong women and you deserve to be well and enjoy your life with your family and friends. You have been through enough, its time to be ‘NORMAL’ again
” title=”Smile” />….. Let me know how you feel on synthroid?
Hugs and More hugs
KrystalThanks for the update. Lots of us were really concerned for you over the weekend. Isn’t it amazing how quickly things can resolve when your levels are normalizing!
Heartfelt thankfulness for you!
HIP HIP HOORAY! I am so very happy to hear this news!!!!
” title=”Very Happy” />
” title=”Very Happy” />
” title=”Very Happy” />
” title=”Very Happy” />
” title=”Very Happy” />
Hey all,
I am finally feeling better – alleluia I hear you all say…..those posts of hers are really long!
My neck is looking great , my scar practically non-existent ( I have a very jealous sister who had her op 13 years ago and the scar is visible) although as you know I wasn’t concerned about the scarring at all. I am feeling that I am more calm and can see a future ahead – something which hasn’t been there for a long long time.
I am loving this new heartbeat! Today after little sleep with my youngest teething all night I was able to get up with the boys and go to church for 9am – no racing heart beat, I was feeling tired but nothing major like before.. I am deeply suspicious of these positive steps
I suspect I will feel tired and exhausted some days but well whats new there but no more TS!
I have this strange grieving process for my thyroid though. Has anyone else who has had the op felt like that? Don’t get me wrong I am glad it is out and has been destroyed after all the trouble it has caused but there is a grief there in a way – nothing major but I do give it a wee thought now and then
” title=”Wink” /> . My neck is something I am becoming reacquainted with as it looks "normal" after such a long period of looking at a very large goiter. My neck and upper chest area feel hollow – which sometimes freaks little old anxious me out, but it just reminds me of how much space my thyroid was taking up and overtaking in there…..its like I can breathe and lie flat without feeling a dead wait on my upper chest/neck area.
Anyway I wanted to celebrate with you all….Without you I wouldn’t be here today… I would never have made it through the TS… I still think of that night I was desperate and googled GD and God directed me towards all of you loving and caring people… I love each one of you for your support , your PM’s and the fact that you guys logged on for a few mins in a busy day to ask how I am.
A huge heartfelt, weepy/emotional sincere THANK YOU!
M xx
Hey M –
So HAPPY for you. All the prayers and patience are working. Don’t feel like a burden – we are genuinely concerned about your progress. Thats’ what makes this board so awesome!
Love ya!
EmilyThanks everyone!
Hopeful, so far I feel ok on thyroxine – my hands were slightly puffy the other day and I had to take my wedding band off but other than that I don’t know if its too early to say. I think I mentioned before I was on thyroxine with a combination of carbimazole and I am sure it was a high dose and I felt fine. PTU was the one med which I didn’t feel great on..
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