Hi everyone…I think I have stumbled on something that has really improved my dry eye symptoms and wanted to share it with everyone here.
I have TED with pretty severe lid retraction so my eyes are always dry and terribly sore. I switched from using eye drops to Genteal gel because I found the gel offered more moisture. But even with the gel I was experiencing alot of discomfort. A few weeks ago, after I applied the gel in my eye, I closed my eyes (as best as I can!) and slowly and very gently massaged the upper lid, moving the gel around and gently “pushing” the lid down to get the gel to the lower part of the eye that is exposed. I have been doing that every time I use either the gel or the drops. Again, just a gentle massage of the lid to disperse the gel.
I have noticed a marked improvement in my symptoms! At first I wasn’t even going to post this because it sounded sort of “silly” but one of the many wonderful things about this forum is that people offer some good information and I have learned so much.
It is sure worth a try, given how miserable the dry eyes can make us.
Hoping this helps someone!