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  • Darcy43
    Post count: 125

    Hello and it feels so good not to be alone in this struggle. I am 40, female and I was diagnosed by my Endo in September of 2011. Where were you guys???

    The quick version: I was in a horrendous car accident and broke my leg. When I was on the operating table, they had extreme difficulty putting my under (my ortho surgeon told me). My heart rate was near 180 under anestesia (sp?). I survived the surgery and was told to have major labs performed. (prior to this I had severe sweats, bruises all over my back, the shakes and was crabby). My family doc looked at me, checked my throat and told me to see this endo. She gave me the news – Graves Disease. After crying, I was given Methimazole and a beta blocker. I had to take 3 pills a day. After 6 weeks they rechecked my pathology. She immediatley told me to only take 1/2 a pill of the Methimazole and stop taking the beta blocker. Good news, right? Hmmm

    My hair is falling out by the handfuls…felt like I was undergoing chemo (mom is a breast cancer survivor). I called her. She said it was the medication, but my levels improved so she reduced it. It has been a month since the reduction and I am still losing a lot of hair. I hate to wash it, but I must. I keep it up most of the time in a chignon and that is boring. Thick long and lush is now thin, gray and limp. I am going to the salon this Saturday to get the chop and shape just to it can look a bit decent.

    Will this ever stop? Will my hair grow back? Will these ghastly green bruises leave or fade that are on my shoulders and back?

    I feel super anxious all the time. My family physician will not give me Xanax. I signed up for Yoga. I used to run 10k. Not anymore due to heart condition. I know I will beat this eventually. I am now just trying to live with it.

    I am driving my boyfriend crazy. I love him so…Any advice and thanks for reading. It has been a horrible 6 months.


    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome to our forum.

    We’re not docs here, just fellow patients…I would definitely check with your own doctor on the bruising, as I’m not familiar with that being associated with thyroid issues.

    On the hair loss, this can definitely occur, especially as levels are swinging either up or down. You might use the “search posts” feature in the top right-hand corner of the screen and do a search for “hair” to read stories from other patients.

    Having thyroid hormone levels out of balance can definitely affect emotions, memory, and concentration. This is a nice bulletin that goes over some of these issues:

    (Note on links: if you click directly on the following links, you will need to use your browser’s “back” button to return to the boards after viewing. As an alternative, you can right-click the link and open it in a new tab or new window).

    You will see things get better, though, once you get your levels stabilized. Hopefully, you have a follow up appointment scheduled to see if your dosage of methimazole needs to be adjusted. It’s common to go through a few tweaks before you find that “sweet spot” that will keep your levels stable.

    Take care!

    Post count: 125

    Thank you Kimberly for your reply.

    I have a follow up appointment on May 7th. I will also search the site for hair issues. I am not vain, it just is really disconcerting. I stay depressed but I push and push and push to smile. I have been doing tons of research (my field is law btw so I research things to death) but my job is also extremely stressful and I cannot quit. I am my sole supporter. I went through an awful divorce (Tiger-Woods styled – yep he was a master cheater lol) and I survived that without hair loss, severe stress, etc. which was 7 years ago. I cannot believe that now when I am supposedly settled, happy and moving on with my life WHAM.

    I don’t feel sorry for myself and again I am glad I am not alone, but in a two words THIS SUCKS! Concentrating at the job has become a huge chore. Thank goodness I can pull it together enough to crank out the work and avoid malpractice. I don’t want to undergo RAI or have my thyroid removed. My cousin went through this…not a good life for her but I know everyone is different.

    Just glad to have the support. If you don’t have it, you just don’t get it. My friends are nice, but they really don’t know what to do. My boyfriend cannot understand why I am so tired when I used to be sooo hyper. He thinks I just need more sleep and need to learn to say no.

    It is such a struggle and I despise the weight gain…I will get through this.

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