I really feel for you, and I know your daughter’s going through a hard time. Try to remember that she has truly not had any kind of stability in her thyroid hormone levels since Graves’ reared its ugly head, so hard as it is, cut her some slack in her behavior right now. Run it as "damage control" first ~ don’t let her hurt herself or anyone else ~ and then try to work on making her comfortable and pleasant. It’ll come, she’s on the right track. Patience, as with everything Graves’.
First things first ~ if you have to pay for the lab tests out of pocket, you’re going to want to be careful about when you do them. It takes our body at least six weeks on a new dose of thyroid hormone replacement before our lab results truly reflect how our body is reacting to the dose. Remember too that the RAI may continue to work on her thyroid at some level ~ it does most of the work in six weeks, but it can continue to have an effect for up to six months. So there’s a little bit of complication to this process ~ at the same time she’s taking replacement hormone, her body may still be making a little hormone, but less all the time.
You are fortunate because thyroid hormone replacement is an extremely inexpensive prescription, but you may want to have the doctor limit the amount of pills they provide at any one time, right away, just in case you need to change doses in six weeks. Maybe get 50 pills at a time instead of 100, for now. Once levels are remaining stable, get enough to last a while ~ I think it might be a price break at 100 pills, since that’s a full bottle, and they don’t need to open it, just stick a label on it.
As I said though, just because your daughter’s had RAI and is on hormone replacement, it certainly doesn’t mean she’s well and should be expected to bounce back to normal in a jiffy. I’m sure she’d like to, but it really doesn’t work that way for any of us.
I was just re-reading your post, and I realized that your daughter must be in her mid-twenties now ~ I was thinking she’s a teenager, oops! Anyway, doesn’t really change anything I said already.
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Hi everyone its been a while since Iv’e loged on and talked to any one when I was first diagnosed in 1995 I felt alone and found all of you you helped so much you were saviors. Long storie short I lost my job in 1999 couldn’t go online anymore to talk with all of you was going to go for rai before I lost my insurance they couldn’t do it I was normal I was in remission been there ever since.Always had a rash on elbow knees and tailbone drs couldn’t figure out what it was well 2 1/2 years ago the rash was acting up again went to my ppo and asked him what the heck is this he got all excited and said I’ll be right back he came back with papers on cyliacs disease and had me take the test for it sure enough thats what was causeing this painful and itchy rash I am now on a gluten free diet and have reversed almost all the damage to my stomache in 2 years time the diet is hard to follow Iadmit but its better than getting stomache cancer. My daughter was diagnosed with graves in 2001 she was 16 I hoped for remission for her too but didn’t happen she had her first rai treatment in march 2009 in 8 months her t3 free was at 2000 she just had her 2nd rai treatment dec. 2009 her t3free is 133 now she has been on 88mg levothyroxine since jan. she still feels terrible no energy ,depressed, migraines, leg cramps,crying all the time. O.k. heres where I ask help please my heart is breaking because I know she feels bad and I can’t make her feel better. Our endo has stopped takeing our insurance so basically he had her radiated and said your on your own get labs done in 2 months my insurance is covering her till april 1 2010 then what. Is there any sugestions should I make her wait 2 months for labs or do them in wk6 shes in wk 5 and meds. aren’t doing anything yet.
Any sugestionsIm’ sorry to hear about this!
You said she is on your insurance?
Does she have her own through a job? Can she get State ins. ?(basically welfare)
can you just go to a different dr. that does take that ins. and go to a lab that takes that ins?Just because that particular dr. no longer will except it doesn’t mean a different dr. wont. It’s worth a shot.
I don’t have celiacs disease but I have eczema and feel for ya! Glad you were able to figure it out. It’s funny how I read your "rash on elbow,knees and tailbone" and i knew exactly what is was. It’s takes someone with an "eczema" (due to any reason) to know what is up!
Good luck with her! tell her to come on if she pleases!
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