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  • billdawn2
    Post count: 1

    I was diagnosed with Graves a year and a half ago. I am on Methimazole 10mg once a day,Labetalol 100 mg once aday. started feeling like crap again legs are cramping lower back hurts, tired, not sleeping to good. dr thought we burned it out so change me to everyother day on my methimazole. didnt work out so well had to start back to everyday. blood work comes back fine. he wants me to see an endocrinologlist to possably kill off my thyroid! so my Quection is what would be better killing it off or have it removed or possably change my meds?? the things i have read dont give me happy thoughts! I am already heavy I lost about 50 lbs would like to lose more but what i have looked at it is saying i will gain more weight!!!!
    please help what should i ask this dr???

    Post count: 4294

    Hello –

    Here’s an article from Dr. David Cooper on the three treatment options for Graves’ that might be helpful. (You will need to click your browser’s “back” button to return to the boards after viewing the article). … 586097.pdf

    You might also do a search on this site for “ATDs”, “Anti-Thyroid Drugs”, “Surgery”, “Thyroidectomy”, “RAI”, “Radioactive Iodine”, etc. to read some first-hand experiences from patients who have selected the various options.

    Surgery and RAI are both valid treatment options, but it’s important to understand that neither option is a “quick fix”. It takes varying amounts of time (one recent article says 6-14 weeks) for RAI to do its work in destroying the thyroid gland. Once you do go hypo after RAI, your doc will make his/her best estimate at what your initial dosage of replacement hormone should be, based on factors such as weight and age. Then you will have a follow up set of labs done in 4-6 weeks to determine if that is the correct dose for you. It *does* take several weeks before you know if that is the right dose, because it takes some time for thyroid hormone levels to build up in your body. If the next set of labs reveals that you are hypER or hypO, the doc will make an adjustment, and you will follow up in another few weeks. So it may take several iterations before you find the right dose that will keep your thyroid hormone levels in the normal range – and get you to feeling good again.

    The process is the same after a total thyroidectomy – except that the initial dose of replacement hormone is started right away, because your body is no longer capable of producing *any* thyroid hormone.

    One other consideration in making a treatment choice is whether you have eye involvement. Some studies have shown that a higher percentage of Graves’ patients who undergo RAI have eye complications, versus patients who select ATDs or surgery. The new guidance from the American Thyroid Association and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists notes that “…Methimazole or thyroidectomy are…the preferred choice of therapy in patients with active and moderate-to-severe or sight-threatening GO.” The guidance also notes that a course of steroids may be administered in conjunction with RAI to reduce the risk of eye complications.

    The bottom line is that all three treatment options (Anti-Thyroid Drugs, Surgery, RAI) have risks and benefits, so it’s important to do a lot of research and make a decision that you are comfortable with.

    Post count: 1
    billdawn2 wrote:I was diagnosed with Graves a year and a half ago. I am on Methimazole 10mg once a day,Labetalol 100 mg once aday. started feeling like crap again legs are cramping lower back hurts, tired, not sleeping to good. dr thought we burned it out so change me to everyother day on my methimazole. didnt work out so well had to start back to everyday. blood work comes back fine. he wants me to see an endocrinologlist to possably kill off my thyroid! so my Quection is what would be better killing it off or have it removed or possably change my meds?? the things i have read dont give me happy thoughts! I am already heavy I lost about 50 lbs would like to lose more but what i have looked at it is saying i will gain more weight!!!!
    please help what should i ask this dr???

    My friend had the same experience and she decided to go for RAI treatment. She spent few days in the hospital for the treatment (for isolation) and it worked for her. Maybe you can discuss about this with your doctor and see if it will work for you.

    Post count: 8

    If it were me, I would see an endo and discuss your options before you start to stress about it. An endo is more likely to understand Graves and I’m sure he/she would rather observe you on his Rx choice before deciding anything else.
    Feel free to contact me.
    I was diagnosed at 12 and had a full thyroidectomy at 15. I’m about to be 30 now.

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