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  • xoxPrincessxox
    Post count: 2

    I googled if I could have alcohol while taking PTU and I found this forum :)

    I am 26yo And was recently with diagnosed hyperthyroidism mid may and this is scary!

    I’m really here for support from people who understand what I’m going through because my partner seems to be having a hard time with it :/

    Anyone have tips they would like to give me?

    Oh and at what point should I go to the hospital? I had a beat count of about 120 bpm my partner said I’d be ok..which I was haha but yeah just wondering?

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome!

    First and foremost, we are all fellow patients here. There is a ton of collective experience on this board that members are happy to share — but there are some issues that your doctor should be dealing with directly. The decision as to when to go to the hospital is one of those. For patients whose heart rate is persistently high, doctors will generally prescribe a beta blocker to provide some relief until the anti-thyroid drugs have had a chance to work.

    On the alcohol issue, I haven’t seen any specific medical guidance on alcohol and anti-thyroid drugs. However, since there is a rare chance of liver issues while taking ATDs (methimazole actually has a better safety record than PTU), it’s probably not a good idea to put extra stress on the liver with regular alcohol use. (I do enjoy an occasional glass of wine with a nice dinner).

    The Graves’ Disease and Thyroid Foundation has a number of free bulletins at

    (Note on links: if you click directly on the following links, you will need to use your browser’s “back” button to return to the boards after viewing. As an alternative, you can right-click the link and open it in a new tab or new window).

    I especially recommend numbers 7, 28, and 34 in terms of helping family members understand Graves’ disease and its effects.

    Take care — and please check back and let us know how you are doing!

    Post count: 326

    Hi Princess,

    I was 25 at diagnosis and am 27 now, so I understand your situation. My endocrinologist told me if my heart rate is ever at or above 120bpm resting, I need to go to the ED. It only happened once so I called his office and they actually called the ED as I was headed there so I didn’t have to wait with all the broken bones and drug-seekers.

    I took PTU for one year until I was finally well enough for RAI. I chose not to drink any alcohol during that year, but I was scheduled for RAI the first week in January so over the holidays, I had a few glasses of wine. It had been so long since I drank, that one glass made me feel silly while two just made me completely drunk.

    I was never instructed to stop drinking, but I felt like doing everything “natural” possible that I could to heal myself. I stopped eating so much processed food and although I couldn’t work out because of the heart issues at first, I did a lot of yoga, meditation, and weeding out the negative people in my life (that also included my boyfriend of two years). I switched from a job I hated to one that I loved, and it was nice to go home and not feel like I needed that glass of wine at the end of the day.

    I am back to my old self of drinking a glass of wine or two once a week, sometimes twice a week, but even one glass raises my heart rate significantly and I often have to take an additional beta blocker even though I only need 10mg in the morning most days.

    I would ask your doctor about both topics. Obviously the alcohol question can wait until your next appointment, but you should definitely call his or her office, tell them your resting heart rate is 120bpm and ask what they advise. If you’ve been prescribed beta blockers, taking one or even half might help but don’t do that unless you’ve been instructed to do so.

    Are you diagnosed with Graves or just hyperthyroidism? Feel free to send me a private message if you’d like some more perspective on being a 20-something with this pain-in-the-butt disease.

    Post count: 2

    Thankyou Kimberly for the link!
    I’ll have a read through it and show hubby
    I think he just doesn’t get how it affects me :/

    I have a farewell dinner on Sat night so that’s why I says wondering about alcohol
    I don’t normally drink it though

    Hi Gatorgirly
    When it happened to me it was 7pm my drs was closed but friends told me that because it’s my heart they would take me straight away? I’ll have to confirm that with my dr…

    I was working out and I actually thought all of this was my body in shock
    Like omg she’s actually working out haha
    I have to go in and out a pause on my membership till I’m better

    At the moment just hyperthyroidism
    Mind you one of the surgery drs not my usual one told me I had Hashimoto’s? I googled it and seen it was hypo so I’m not going back to him again…

    Thankyou both for posting :)

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