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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi, Angie:

    It sounds like you have been going through a real ordeal. None of us here are doctors, so we can be of only limited value to you right now.

    First off: concentration issues are often associated with out-of-whack thyroid hormone levels. Jake, the fellow who started this bulletin board, once posted that a “benefit” he saw to the lack of memory at the time was that he could “hide his own Easter eggs.” And, I daresay, all of us have had to develop coping mechanisms — making lists, obsessively checking lists, etc. for a while. It does get better when we get stabilized at normal levels of hormone.

    As for the other problems — the “episodes” — I would be nagging my doctor to death about them. They must be very scarey. If your thyroid levels have not been checked recently, I would suggest that that be your first step. Out-of-whack thyroid levels can have systemic body effects. If, however, those levels prove to be “normal”, the next step is to ask your doctor what tests need to be run next. A problem we all have had is that we do look at thyroid problems as a first explanation. Our doctors then tell us “it’s not your thyroid” (or words meaning the same thing), and then try to usher us out of the office. That is not helpful — but we have sort of set the stage for that response by assuming that whatever is going on IS thyroid. Anyway, immediately after hearing “It’s not your thyroid,” you should simply ask, “Well, then how do we find out what it IS?” You have a real problem, and finding out what it isn’t does not help all that much. You need to find out what IS going on. Do not let anyone label you a “drama queen.” It is important to get a doctor to pay attention, and look for a reason to those times when you get faint, blurred vision, and paralysed hands.

    I hope you get help soon.
    Bobbi — NGDF Online Facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    I am new to Graves and have so much hope in reading the bulletins on this site over the past month.
    Here is my story…
    I was diagnosed with Graves last May after watching my health decline over the past few years. It finally got to the point where I knew something was really wrong. I received RA in September and since then my life has been a living hell. I am having really strange symptoms and I don’t know what is going on and either do the doctors. I have read everything here and I understand it takes time to get better but I feel I am getting worse… alot worse. The doctor’s just act like it’s all part of Graves’ and depression etc. etc…. but I feel like there is something more serious going on and no one seems to understand. I’ve been called a drama queen at work and the non-support I am getting from my co-workers is making it all worse. The symptoms that most worry me (out of all the many ones) are that I have these “episodes” (the doctors are calling them) where I get very dizzy, partially lose consiousness, get blurry eye sight, high blood pressure, etc. as well as poralisis (sp?) of my hands and feet, and I pretty much faint- I can’t walk, etc. This has happened quite a few times and after a trip to hospital still no answers. I also have bad memory loss and lack of concentration. My heart rate is very high most of the time- over 100 even when I wake up in the morning and I also have the tingling and numbness in my hands and feet off and on.
    I feel so frustrated because I am an elemntary school teacher and it is hard to teach when I feel this way. My administrators and co-workers don’t support me and give me a hard time when I am not at my best and I feel I am doing the best that I can. This of course has caused me more anxiety and stress which I know makes my symptoms worse.
    I am so blessed to have found this site to help me get through this. :)

    Post count: 93172

    I agree with Bobbi. Certainly there is something wrong, ok so if your levels are ok then it might not be your thyroid BUT that doesn’t mean they should foo foo you out the door and think you are crazy. Is this your endocrinologist or your general dr.? If it’s your endo then go to general dr. and tell them listen this is what i’m experiencing and my thyroid is ok. (don’t go into your thyroid with them if your thyroid levels are fine). Let them figure out what is wrong with what you tell them your symptoms are. Make sure they know what treatment you had with the RA and go from there. I’m sorry you have to go through this.

    Post count: 93172

    Well, a few have already pretty much summed it up on suggestions of what you should do to get your answers to what is causing the symptoms (which I consider those serious). I just wanted to welcome you to the bunch. There are a ton of wonderful people here and the mods are an excellent source of knowledge.


    Post count: 93172

    My thyroid levels have been up and down for the past few months but now they are almost stabalized and my endo doesn’t think what is happening is thyroid related and either do I anymore. I am seeing my gen doctor for it but he is at a loss- he is refering me to a neurologist so I am hoping I get some answers soon! Thanks for the support! It is a relief to talk to people who understand :)

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