It has been a while since I have been on the board. Got my labs and TSH 3.56 Free T4 0.91 guess that is good. Cutting my meds back by 1/2 a pill. So 1 and 1/2 tapazole a day. Did anyone see on the web where man claims to have cure for graves from grocery store items?? Get rich quick huh? Hope the rest of you are feeling better. Me other than this cold I am ok. Later Tyler1
Yes, I did see that and I wondered too! At this point I feel desperate to try anything. Anyone else heard anything about these programs? Are they for real or just a bunch of garbage? Happy Spring by the way!
There are two known treatment options which have a proven track record for successfully returning people with Graves disease back to health. These two options are antithyroid drugs (which act as a chemical block to the production of thyroid hormone) and removal of the thyroid. There are two proven successful ways to remove the thyroid: surgery and RAI. Anything else is unproven, and unlikely to work to reliably control your thyroid hormone levels. Do not take advice from anyone online. Talk with your doctor.
In the days before the discovery of our modern treatment options, when people used sedatives, opiates, leeches (perhaps), and, yes, herbs, to try to regain their health, approximately 50% of Graves patients died. Those that survived were not necessarily healthy. Nowadays, the vast majority of people who do not survive the disease are the ones that go undiagnosed for a long period of time, or the ones who for one reason or another are not compliant with their doctor’s treatment suggestions. Those who reject modern medicine for unproven alternatives are putting themselves at grave risk.
I had treatment ten years ago — no, eleven now — and I long ago regained my health. Please, listen to your doctors, not to the marketers online.
Bobbi — NGDF Online Facilitator
Bobbie advises stay with your Dr. if everything seems to be working. I just wish my boss would read the book. Graves Disease in our on words. This site is awsome. I have read so many bulletins from others like us and it has helped. The worst thing for me are the chronic fatigue,muscle weakness,and mood swings everyone think’s I am just being an ass. And I feel bad about things I have said or done later when I am well or feeling better I should say. Thank God for Spring. Tyler1
That’s what I am thinking. My Endo was very highly recomended in our area of South Alabama. But the struggle for me is my boss does not have a clue about this disease. I try to tell people without sounding like I am wining. I ran out of my meds on accident and had to go without for five days and I felt it on the third day. The fifth day I was so tired and weak I did not make it into work and he thinks because I am not vomiting or having stomach issues to suck it up and come in or I am fired. I did go in the next day. I still dont understand the T this and all the Dr. language but, I know the symptoms i have and I read here more than I post and learn alot from you Skie, and the guy facilitator in the Carolina cant remember his name now but he has been very helpfull. Tyler1
There are some books recommended by the NGDF that explain in everyday language what is involved in Graves disease. I learned an awful lot when I was first diagnosed, by reading “The Thyroid Sourcebook,” which is one of the books on the recommended list. It is available in libraries and bookstores — or, at least it was. You might want to print out the list, and try to find one of the books, Tyler. It can help when it comes to discussing your options with your doctor, and also when it comes to trying to explain things to the others in our lives — whether they be family, friends or employers.
I’m sorry your boss is less than understanding. I do hope you are feeling much better soon.
Bobbi — NGDF Online FacilitatorTyler wrote in here so many things. For instance, the mood swings. I have always been this cheerful, always smiling person that loved to help others. When I have some bad days, I really have bad days. Luckily for me I live with my Mother who knows me the best and knows to just ignore me. In a way it’s helped me if that’s possible, I speak my mind more then in the past. I was lucky (some may think unlucky) that my employer said from day 1 of my being ill that they do not want me back unless I can work at 100%. Since I haven’t been even 50% I have had no work for almost 3 years now. I must say that at times I go crazy with boredom and at other times so thankful that I don’t have to go into work and pretend that I feel fine. I feel as if we are ALL strong people and were choosen to have this disease because we can handle it and have the ability to help others. Just a thought.
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