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  • Momof5
    Post count: 118

    So, when they say “heat intolerance”, what exactly does this mean?

    The reason I ask is because I am FREEZING most of the time. My hands are cold, my feel are cold. It’s chilly here…mid 40’s….buti am Stoll so cold. I keep turning up the heat and everyone says I am baking them out. Yesterday, we were on the soccer fields. It was cold and windy, but I had long johns and sweats on, and three layers of shirts, including a hoodie sweatshirt and I was still freezing.

    The naturopath I see for acupuncture thinks I could be swinging hypo, but just two weeks ago my levels were still really high (I started meds on March 22 and 10 days in we had to redo labs do to a lab error and my levels were still high…very slight drop).

    Most of my tremors and shakiness are gone and my pulse and bp have come down to much better ranges and I had to drop my bets blocker down to 25 mg because it was getting too low and I was wanting to sleep too much. I still have moments where I feel shaky, but overall I feel much better and much more in control of my feelings.

    I get blood drawn again on Tuesday.


    Post count: 160

    Heat intolerance is a feeling of being overheated. It is kind of like a hot flash that doesn’t end but varies in severity. It is usually associated with being hyper.

    Cold intolerance is usually associated with being hypO, where you constantly feel a chill, even when in a warm environment or bundled up as you were. It can also be a side effect of some beta blockers.

    Hopefully the bloodwork on Tuesday will shed some light on what is happening.

    Post count: 118

    Thanks, Rob. I guess I know what heat intolerance is by definition. And I guess I have times where I feel hot, but this past week Igave definitely been cold. I don’t wanna get my hopes up though because I know it can be a rollercoaster.

    Post count: 160

    It is a rollercoaster for sure. I was FREEZING last week and today I have the prickly heat across my shoulder blades. Ugh, my old foe…..the prickly heat. Lol!

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