Not heartburn, but a feeling of an obstruction in your throat could easily be caused by the swelling of the thyroid. The thyroid can swell (what we refer to as a "goiter") in response to either hyperthyroid OR hypothyroid levels, and it can make you feel as if there’s something in your throat.
In addition to that, not all of us experience the same symptoms, so it’s hard to say what is and is not caused by Graves’. Doctors are very empirical, so if MANY patients have not experienced it, they will say it is NOT caused by GD, but they’re just like us, they don’t know for sure.
I’ve never had heartburn when hyperthyroid, but I get it immediately whenever my TSH rises and I become even a tiny bit HYPOthyroid, for what it’s worth.
The first symptom I experienced before being diagnosed with Graves was severe heartburn, which felt like a taco chip (unchewed) going down my espohagus. The PA who I saw at the time really focused in on the heartburn, and the source was never resolved. She also refused to listen to my other symptoms, and so I finally went to the actual doctor, who found the hyperthyroidism and sent me to the endo who confirmed Graves. To make a long story short- a few weeks on tapazole my levels were normal and my heartburn had gone completely away. A few months later, I went into remission- which surprised the endo that it happened so quickly. I have been off tapazole for about 8 weeks now, and the heartburn- same taco shell feeling- has started again. I get my levels rechecked in about 3 weeks, but so far I have no other symptoms of being hyper. I find it hard to believe it is unrelated, but my endocrinologist said he never heard of it as a symptom, and I haven’t seen it in any literature I have read. Has anyone else dealt with this being related to their Graves?
Hi to all. I was just browsing, but when I saw this post I immediately registered so I could add my two cents worth. I was diagnosed with Graves about a year and a half ago, and have been taking Tapazole. My levels are now fine, according to the doc, but I wonder if I may be getting a bit hypothyroid, as I feel very lethargic, I’m picking up weight, I feel somewhat depressed…I’m just feeling really run down. And, I have been having a great deal of trouble with heartburn. I asked the doctor about any link between my thyroid and heartburn, and he sort of dismissed the idea. Interesting that others may have also suspected a link.
I was diagnoised with hyperthyroidism – about 6 months ago. I had been suffering with heartburn for about two years until being diagonised with graves disease. A couple of weeks into taking tapezole my Heartburn was gone. I stopped taking tapezole after two months ( hormone levels came back to normal) due to hives (side effect of tapezole) and started on a homeopatic regimen. Guess what – my T3 and T4 were higher than the first diagnosis and my heartburn was coming back. Started back on tapezole, this time on a lower dosage. Heartburn gone again. I think I am getting hypothyroid or nearing there. I am having minor heartburn problems again. As usual my doctor dismissed any relation between hyperthyroid and heartburn.
I believe BOTH of you!!!
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Thank you all for your posts. It is very frustrating to hear doctors dismiss what we are feeling. (Which is why it took months to get my diagnosis to start with). I appreciate hearing about others with heartburn as a symptom, because I truly feel mine is related. I have been better for a few days, but heartburn came back again today. It will be interesting to see what my levels are next time I am checked and if I have heartburn then.
I was diagnosed with Graves in July 2007. I’m on tapazole,having difficulty getting the correct dosage and so am going between hyper and hypo. I have had heartburn since before my diagnosis. My endo said this IS a symptom of Graves and I’ve been taking prilosec and it really helps a lot. It’s otc and since sometimes the heartburn is worse than others, I take it as needed. I hope you find some relief!
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