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  • Bobbi
    Post count: 1324

    What you are experiencing, Maria, is most likely "palpitations." The heart is not necessarily beating harder, or faster than normal, but our nerve endings are picking up on the beats (which we normally don’t feel). It is not necessarily a sign that something is wrong with the heart — and it is very common for us to experience it when we are hyperthyroid.

    Post count: 24

    Whew! Thanks Bobbi! I have a hard time sleeping because I can feel my heart beat. I have been reading other post and thought it might be that. Can’t wait to feel normal, whatever that might be. I have not felt normal in years. I am so grateful for this website, thanks again!

    Post count: 1909

    Yes, it’s normal for hyper. I still remember it. Bobbi gave such a good explanation! The heart RATE (beats per minute) you are having now is within the normal range. A fast heart rate is usually regarded above 90, for normal people, which we hyper folks usually aren’t! If it keeps getting higher and higher, like 120, over a period of time, you are in overdrive, should call your doc.

    Post count: 24

    Does anyone know what your normal heart rate should be. I have been hyper for a few weeks and I noticed that I can actually feel my heart beating. I check my heart rate twice today and it was 75 and 86. Are these normal for a 45 year old inactive women? I don’t like feeling my heart beat in my chest!!! Has anyone else experienced this?
    Thanks everyone!


    Post count: 24

    Thanks Shirley! My dr. has lowered my dose by taking a half does one day a week. I guess it is going to take several weeks to notice a difference. I will check to make sure my heart rate does not get any higher. I really appreciate the advice.
    Have a good one!

    Post count: 184

    When my partner was diagnosed her heart rate was over 90 consistantly, don’t really know how high it got, gradually over 12-18 months it dropped down into 70’s, and in the last 6 months (3.5yrs on ATD’s) her resting heart rate has dropped from the mid 60’s to the mid 50’s.
    She is 41 and average fitness and slightly overweight, although her weight has dropped a little bit in the last 6 months, but she has noticed a more significant change in body shape by how her clothes sit on her, like the weight has distributed itself in more appropriate places. We think this may be due to her dietry changes, not counting calories or eating less, just eating more wholesome foods.

    Post count: 24

    Thanks Harpy! I am doing the same thing, eating healthy. I don’t really want to loose weight while I am hyper, so I am not exercising right now. I am doing a little stretching and some pilates. I just ordered an exercise bike, but it will have to wait.

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