I am so sorry to hear about your scary drive. I don’t have any eye involvement as far as I know. I am very careful about my eyes as my mom has unexplained uveitis and glaucoma and one other thing I can never remember the name of . I remember when she had to stop driving. It was hard. She hasn’t driven now for almost 20 years. How were the results of the test or did you get them right away? How did you notice that your eyes were starting to change?Are you going to a local opthamologist or do you have to drive that far each time? My Mom has to come about three hours to get to her specialist at a university hospital eye center. Luckily my Dad can still drive right now. I am no help as I am still hyper right now and haven’t even been able to drive more than 30 minutes.
Is your thyroid under control or does that add to the eye involvement?
It can be hard to find a silver lining in a day like today. Maybe you can take a long bath, or a walk, or make a great dessert for supper, oh heck just eat dessert for supper!
I will think good thoughts for you. It’s raining here in NC. I hope the sun is shining where you are.
I remember those days. They will soon be a memory. You need to use an eye patch to stop the double vision. You can switch it from eye to eye to give them a break. I could not drive for almost two years unless I wore a patch to stop the double vision.
So my dear wife Jan fixed me up with a few different ones depending on my moods. One had a tassel, another the painted on an eye, yet another had fancy spirals.
All in good fun. Life is hard right now, but it will get better. And best of all we are all only a click away to talk to someone who understands fully what you are going through.
Thank you for your replies. It feels good to know there are people out there who know what this is like…..or who can understand.
It is really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel with this…. guess I will be here complaining for some time…Hi lakeview! Don’t know a whole lot about the eye part of this, but I wanted to chime in and wish you my best. My Grandma has Graves’ and has the eye part, and I do know that hers was just awful- she could hardly see at all and one eye rolled all the way back and all we saw was the white part— I’m only adding this because she’s in her 80’s and she did finally get it resolved to where now she can see again and her eye doesn’t do that anymore. There is an end to the tunnel and you’ll find it.
Oh Lakeview…I’m so sorry you had such a bad day. I’m with Jake…put the patch on and have FUN with it. I’ve had children come up to me and say to their parent, "Mommie, look at the pirate". The people I work with say "Hey Mate" when I wear it, we laugh and it’s okay. As a matter of fact, I’m going to paint one "green" and one "red" for my "good days" and "bad days" soon!! My co-workers come to me and say, "is it a green day or a red day today". Most days lately, since my IV Infusion treatments, they’ve been "green", but I know the RED days (when the thyroid starts acting up) and I’m so sorry you have to go through it too. Please know that I’m here for you, as much as you need, to vent b/c it doesn’t look mine will be resolved for a while either!! Hang in there my friend.
This morning I had a visual field test -45 minute drive away. Normally after about half an hour I can at least see normal if I look down and tilt my head but this morning no such luck. I managed to make the drive – it was scarey… but I burst into tears at the test…. I just don’t know how I managed to navigate myself through the hospital… I just can’t see at all without double vision. I am at my wits end. This is so hard. I just want be able to see normal a little bit like before.
I need a little cheering up. thanks for listening.
Sorry you are having a rubbish day
” title=”Sad” /> I haven’t had too many probs with my eyes and don’t know too much about TED. I do know after the op I had some double vision and was scared to say to any one. It was a horrible experience (seemingly a side effect of anesthetic) so to have that on a daily basis must be awful.
No wonder you were crying… You have had some good advice from George etc… hope that helps.
Maybe I can cheer you up – I know you all think me nuts anyway
” title=”Very Happy” /> My job is community based – my hubby went into fits when he heard I was applying (needless to say his laughing stopped as I stayed straight faced!) as I CANNOT read a map! Before we got married I would call him from Scotland to Oxford saying "I’m lost" can you look up AA route planner and give me directions lol I thankfully have a sat nav – but sometimes that doesn’t have the new streets and i call him at home
I turn the map in all ways and I just can’t figure out which way is which… I have such a female mind lol Anyhoo I call him at home and ask him to look up directions – he used to sometimes get so fed up as I would be sobbing down the phone….Once I ended up in a farm with cows away in the middle of nowhere about 30 miles away from my destination. The farmer guy just stared at me when he noticed the uniform and sat nav lol
Better days are ahead my friend. This disease sucks to say the least especially in the day to day things – none of us on here are looking to climb mountains (gosh not yet anyway lol) as this disease in itself is a mountain. You feel euphoric as you reach the summit then realise there is another right behind it which is much higher! Hopeful will no doubt be on to give her mantra "kick it in the ****** !
” title=”Very Happy” />
In the meantime I am giving you a huge hug and telling you BETTER DAYS ARE AHEAD FOR ALL OF US!!!
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