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  • Madame_X
    Post count: 128

    This may sound like a dumb question but is there anything untoward, re: Graves symptoms, that I should watch out for?


    Post count: 435

    Hey there,

    Just wondering what you are abbreviating is it post discharge ( which we would use something similar in the UK?) or post treatment?


    Post count: 484

    Dx= Diagnosis

    Personally a virus is what triggered my Graves’ disease to show its ugly head. So I tend to keep away from situations where I might be around a lot of people during the winter time to avoid getting a cold. I know funny funny funny since I have 4 kids LOL~~~!!!!!

    Wash your hands regularly is KEY. I don’t use antibacterial soap since it causes super bugs so I stick with good old fashioned regular soap. Wash your hands when you come home after you have been out anywhere. Have anyone who enters your home do the same, even adults.

    Wash hands before leaving somewhere as well.
    and during the time you are out if you are around others shaking hands and dont put your fingers in your mouth
    Stay away from eating at those little kiosks that are in the grocery store that are for free or have free food out for you to take
    If you know someone who doesn’t cover their mouth when they sneeze stay away from them.

    You do the same when you have a cold to prevent others in your home from getting what you have and then they wont give it back to you.

    As far as symptoms during a cold, everyone is different. Keep your dr. informed that you have a cold or go see your dr. to confirm it is a cold and not allergies.
    You don’t have to be allergic to something to have an allergic reaction to something outside or insided your home. The weather has been a pain in the butt and pollen counts are high, grasses are all over the place too.

    Drink plenty of water, keep an eye on your pulse, REST, call your dr. if you feel anything you are not comfortable with. Swine flu is out there so please make sure you have fever medicine, and a thermometer that works.

    Post count: 1569

    Remember that as your immune system is stimulated to help you fight off the cold, the antibodies of Graves’ and TED are also stimulated, so symptoms may escalate just because that part of your body is VERY busy right now. Take it easy.

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