Hi Michabelle, From my knowledge and experience, there is no relationship. However, since you have a shellfish allergy,
that can be very serious. Here is a reliable link from the Mayo Clinic addressing this subject which might be helpful.Just wondering if any of you have become intolerant of shellfish since having Grave’s? I was in remission for 2 years until very recently, but it was two years ago that I started having awful reactions to shrimp, lobster, and crab. I would get horrible stomach pains, throw up violently for hours, and become short of breath and dizzy. I used to eat shellfish all the time and then one day it switched. I got tested for allergies by two doctors. One said I had an allergy, and the other one said I didn’t…and that maybe I just had an intolerance.
It was only when I started reading messages on these boards that I noticed people talking about the high levels of iodine in shellfish and started to wonder. I no longer think it is a coincidence and Iperhaps I was having those reactions because I was no longer on the medication.
Any of you have a similar experience?
I became allergic after many years with Graves’ disease. I cannot say it is due to Graves’ but the thing that most are allergic to is shellfish is the iodine. After so many scans and iodine Cat Scans, I suspect that had an impact.
So now I eat fish while everyone else is eating lobster. But I am still vertical and sucking air. I have Graves’ and life is good.
Again I refer anyone interested to read the following reference from the Mayo Clinic.
In other words, there is no relationship to a shellfish and iodine, but anyone who eats shellfish and has the symptoms
Michabelle had, should definitely be very careful not to eat shellfish.
http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/shellf … prevention
Take what you will from the article.
ShirleyPeople can develop allergies at any time; sometimes allergies can go away. An allergy is similar to an autoimmune disease in that the immune system mounts a way over the top response. The difference is that in an autoimmune disease, the body is attacking its own tissue based on an internal rather than external stimulus. There are some recent and ongoing studies looking at the connection between allergies and autoimmune diseases. There was an interesting study released in 2007 conducted by Children’s Hospital and the UW in Washington State.
For most people with a shellfish allergy, it is a response to the protein (not iodine) that causes the issue. Food intolerances are similar to allergies and can cause just as much discomfort but generally do not have the potential to be life threatening. For example, many people are lactose (cow milk sugar) intolerant and experience a great deal of discomfort when they ingest lactose. This is differerent from people who have a true dairy allergy which is to the milk protein (casien). The severity of true allergic reactions can vary widely from very mild to life threatening.
Food allergies are no fun. You may want to talk to your Dr about carrying an epi-pen if you haven’t already done so.
Nice post, Laurel. I read that study. Are you in Seattle? (I am
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I was diagnosed with Graves in April and went into toxic storm in May, and had a Total Thyroidectomy in August.
I am not sure if this is an official allergy or not, but I encountered shellfish twice since my surgery, and felt sick to my stomach. Forget eating it, I could not stand to be anywhere near it. I have never had a problem with shellfish in the past, but I will stay away from it from now on.I do have shellfish allergy since when I was 12 years old, but it is not severe as other. Most people should avoid all shellfish. But some are allergic to some types of shellfish and not others. Be careful if you have severe shellfish allergy because by just breathing the fumes of cooking shellfish may trigger an allergic reaction. For your safety, I got some precautions when eating away from home: avoid seafood restaurants. It is likely that shellfish may come in contact with foods your child or even you can safety eat. Avoid fried foods because many restaurants cook chicken, French fries and shrimp in the same oil, same with the grilled foods. Avoid hotdogs and deli meats, which may contain traces of shellfish. Carry a “chef card”. You can make your own card or print one from a website on the internet. This personalized card explains your child’s food allergy to restaurant workers.
I literaly screamed "OH MY GOD" when I saw the title of this thread. I HAVE!!!! I’ve eaten shrimp my entire life, I was diagnosed Graves 8/2010– and When I ate shrimp last month, my face swelled up — a few weeks later, my face and throat both swelled up !! This is too crazy !! There may be no scientific link– but it seems awfully ironic !
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I was so glad to read this, because I thought I was the only one experiencing a reaction to shellfish; but only since I’ve had Graves. I have always eaten shellfish, we love to spend time on Cape Cod and eat fresh caught oysters, clams and lobster. Within 6 months of being diagnosed I noticed I was getting swollen eyes and and face, and sort of dark circles under my eyes the next morning after I’d consumed shellfish. I so infrequently eat shellfish now, because of the iodine content, I only have it on special occasions. Now I eat it even less- and maybe only 1 piece instead of a 1/2 dozen or more. Still though, I can see a reaction- I probably will have to eliminate it altogether at some point very soon. My endo does not know what to make of this- but I bet a good naturopathic Dr could tell you. I used to see one, and she was able to explain some things to me that were kind of obscure thyroid related questions- my endo did not know. I am now in remission, and not taking any meds.
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