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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Good Morning Everyone.
    Happy Easter To all on the BB.
    I know that we all have our ups and downs
    (ususally more downs than ups) :) but maybe
    we should step back and think about the people that
    are a lot worse off than us. The people that have lost loved
    ones, the people that have terminal diseases, the people
    that do not have enough to eat. Then we could count our
    blessings that we can still sit down to a good meal,
    look out the window and watch spring breaking for another year
    and know we will be here tomorrow, God willing, to be with
    our families and friends.
    I know it gets very depressing and painful at times but there is
    always someone worse off than you.
    Take the time to reflect on what you have and maybe fill a bag
    of food for the less fortunate so they may have a little more
    to enjoy.
    Now down off my soapbox :-) and a note to Glynis, I too
    am having problems with my hair. I have long hair that I have
    been colouring for over 20 years. I haven’t cut it in 3 years and it
    is just below my shoulders so you know it is breaking off and falling out
    at an alarming rate. I tried using Infusium which helped a great deal.
    And last weak I went and had a really good trim. I lost about an inch
    of hair but everyone thinks my hair looks much more healthy. It also made
    me fell better about myself which is no mean feat at this point in time.
    I feel like the stay-puft marshmallow woman, I have gained so much weight.
    I can’t keep makeup on my eyes because the minute I hit the light or wind or cold
    ,……Bingo they start to water and I mean water…Like they flow rivers…
    I have to carry Kleenex all the time.
    Anyway have a great Easter, and God Bless
    Lynn from Toronto.

    Post count: 93172

    Hope all of you have a Happy and Blessed Easter.

    Love, Kitty

    Post count: 93172

    Dear all and facilitators,

    Wishing you all a wonderful and restful easter.


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