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  • savtanee
    Post count: 7

    I want to recommend a place for those of you women who are suffering from hair loss as I am. I did not want a wig because I can’t stand the thought of getting upset every time I would remove it. In NYC I got a custom-made hairpiece that is basically sewn to my remaining hair and is treated just like my own in terms of washing and styling. I just got it. I will go back every 6 weeks to have it professionally removed, thoroughly washed and restyled. The women there all have hair loss due to a medical condition so it felt like a support group! You can go to the website for Le Metric. It’s not cheap but as far as I am concerned, it was a medical expense. The hair loss has been quite upsetting…

    Post count: 4294

    Very interesting! I was not familiar with this process. I have had some minor issues with hair loss, but I find that it most often occurs when my levels are either rising or falling.

    Post count: 1569

    As Kimberly mentions, our hair loss issues are typically transient ~ the body removes resources from our hair and nails while our thyroid hormone levels are abnormal OR while they are "traveling" rapidly ~ so such a hairpiece might actually be more than a patient would need. In addition to that, it "stresses" the hair by being woven within it, so might actually cause more hair loss than would typically occur. Just an FYI.

    Our usual recommendation is to do something with your hair that requires VERY little fussing (short cut, no color, nothing you need to tug, blow dry, chemically treat or use heat) until levels stabilize within the normal range. At that point, good, strong hair will return and you can go back to whatever you used to do.

    Post count: 7

    I am happy o hear that the hair should grow back. Mine became so thin that individual hairs can be seen from the scalp and my hair line completely receded on the sides. It was also brittle and fly away. I did consider the stress on the remaining hair but the balding made me so nervous and panicky each time I looked in the miror, and especially seeing all the hair in the drain, on the floor, etc., I feel calmer from this…It made me look like my "old" self which relieves a lot of my emotional stress. Seems worth it for now.

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