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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Chuckles over your last post, Bruce…Just another demonstration of the absolute insanity of this disease…You think you’re ok for a few days and then it’s wipe out time again. I’m nervous about returning to my hectic job, but the time seem to be coming…My confidence is shot, but I’m working on it…day by day. Keep that humor going, and you’ve got this licked…Watch out for the black hole of depression…( I say this for myself really) . I need to begin a focused exercise program…a gentle but consistent one…but I lack organization, focus and umph! Guess we’ll both keep trying, eh? Nothing else to do. Good luck.


    Post count: 93172

    Yean, that is the one thing that seems to help me sometimes is some good exercise. Problem is getting myself to do it when I have a severe case of the idonwannas.


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