The GDATF is excited to be named as a partner for the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association’s 2013 Autoimmune Walks!
Local walks will be held this summer/fall in New York, Michigan, Kentucky, and Missouri, plus there is an option to do a “virtual” walk at a time/date/location of your own choosing!
Participants who join via a GDATF team will help fund AARDA’s autoimmune research and advocacy efforts AND the GDATF’s patient education and support services!
To get started, visit the Autoimmune Walk home page at and enter “Thyroid” in the team search box.
(Note on links: if you click directly on the above link, you will need to use your browser’s “back” button to return to the boards after viewing, or you will have to log back in to the forum. As an alternative, you can right-click the link and open it in a new tab or new window).
This is a great cause, and I would really encourage everyone to join a team, make a donation, or spread the word to your friends and family members…*every* dollar raised will make a difference!