Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I will say a prayer for you right now. I never had morning sickness with mine so I can’t commiserate there. I really do hope all goes well for you and the baby. My weight is stable now, at least not gaining is on my good list, but I am still not at a normal TSH. I have been able to start exercising about 15 minutes at a time with my Wii. I hope it really help my balance get back in control some.
Write to us when you have a free minute. It will be harder now that you will have more to do, but what a blessing.
Again, congratulations!
Thanks for the update, I’m happy for you! I’ll be thinking of you, let us know (when you can) how it’s going!
” title=”Very Happy” />
Hi all,
Sorry I haven’t been very active on here for a while..busy with family and work.
As you can see from the heading I am due another little bundle of joy in Nov – my youngest birthday actually the 15th of Nov so I am only just past 6 weeks. I am very nervous because of the previous m/c’s and I know its very early days. I go to see my endo tomorrow and have my 1st scan. I was informed prior to my TT that the risks of m/c drop to that of a woman without GD once I am controlled hypo.
I am staying positive and praying my heart out. We are not saying to anyone until I am past the 3 month but wanted to share with all my friends on here who have offered so much support and prayers. I hope you keep us in your prayers that all will be well.
I am suffering the delights of hyperemesis
” title=”Sad” /> so Lacie and Ewbm finally I have lost weight lol
– not in a very nice way but thought that may make you giggle. I don’t care what I have to go through as long as this baby is ok.
take care everyone xxx
I do understand your caution, we are here to share this joy now and throughout and we’ll be here Lord forbid if you need us for a sorrow.
for now we bask in the joy of what is today and I am sooooooooooooooo excited for you! If you don’t mind I would like to post a prayer request for you and your little one on another forum I go to. We have had a miracle once or twice there with little babies. So would like to have the prayer warriors on that forum cheer and pray for this little one!
keep us up to date but take it easy!!!!!
Thanks everyone!
Mamabear that would be lovely you asking people to pray for me and my little one. I went for a scan on Thurs and there was a little heartbeat flickering away! I had good news also that I can attend a normal maternity clinic but will be reviewed regularly with regards to my thyroid bloods.
I just wanted to share with all of you who have been so wonderful through so many difficult times. I am sorry I haven’t been on a lot (I was thinking of you lots though) but with working, 2 kids to care for I am shattered at night
A healthy tiredness though which was the HUGE difference.
I will def keep you all posted. Just now reassuring myself that hyperemesis is a great sign lol xxxx
Fantastic news!!! I am very happy for you and your family. I threw up everyday of both my pregnancies. Hopefully you will take the more traditional route of tapering off. I will keep you and your little bean in my thoughts and prayers.
Best Wishes!
LaurelThanks Laurel,
Well I don’t want to remember how long it has lasted in the past
” title=”Smile” /> Such a shame you had it all the way through.
As long as these TSH levels behave themselves I can put up with anything.Thanks again xxxx
Hi, Hyperm, and congradulations!
You must expect fluctuations in the TSH during your pregnancy. It is completely normal. That is precisely why the doctors will monitor your blood levels more often. Pregnancy puts different demands on the body (and the thyroid) at different times. In a normal body, any fluctuations in thyroid hormone need are handled automatically. But in folks with Graves, that automatic mechanism is broken, so our doctors need to readjust our meds as needed. The TSH is "behaving" precisely as it should: the body just doesn’t listen anymore. But our doctors DO listen, and that makes a huge difference.
Wishing you and your new little one good luck,
Don’t you worry, check in when you can. Be safe and rest that is more important than trying to keep up with us. BUT do check in once in a while!!!
I was with a regular ob as well. did get checked often though!
Thanks Mamabear
I think I will still be seen regularly and I have already had one scan and have a second on the 8th of April so they are taking care of me thank goodness. I suppose I will just need to keep reminding the midwives that I need my TSH checked when they are taking my bloods.
The only thing I am concerned about its the babies growth – they kept a very close eye last time but as I am attending a "normal" clinic and not the hospital unit I don’t know how they will do that properly without scanning. However, its all in God’s Hands – so all will be well.
I am just so thankful I got my thyroid out as life is so much more simpler without it!
Speak soon everyone xxxx
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