My 13 year old has Graves and had a thyroidectomy a year ago. She was on synthetic thyroid for 11 months. The first few months she did fine, but towards the end of the summer she started feeling lethargic, tired, having difficulty concentrating and poor auditory skills showing a lag in processing what she heard. She described herself as feeling half death. her endo said her levels were fine. we switched doctor in hopes to get a whole picture of what she was experiencing in case something else related to her thyroid was off. Last month we started using Armour.
I’ve heard Armour can trigger the antibodies. Has anyone used Armour post thyroid removal. If so how has your experience been?
I’m just trying to help her feel well. Please share any thoughts.
Thanks a lot,
Hello – Hopefully, you will get some other responses from those on Armour. Anecdotally, I’ve heard one story from a patient who had the antibody issue. The biggest complaint that we hear from patients who start taking Armour or Cytomel is that it brought back a return of their old hypER symptoms – rapid heart rate, sweating, insomnia, tremors, etc..
If antibody levels are a concern, you can check this with a blood test the next time your daughter has labs done. It’s not the cheapest test available, but at least that way you will know for sure.
The two major organizations for endocrinologists in the U.S. have come out against all types of T3/T4 combination therapy. They don’t think the research shows enough of a benefit in quality of life. However, this has created a lot of controversy, as there is a very vocal group of patients out there who swear this is the only way they can feel their best. The American Thyroid Association is hosting a conference on this topic this spring, so it should be interesting to see what the results are.
Take care!
You said people who stop taking cytomel or Armour experience hyper symptoms. Is that after being on it for awhile? Or did you mean people who “start” taking cytomel/ Armour?
I recently started 1/4 of a pill of 5 mcg. of Cytomel (last week) in addition to my Synthroid (112 mcg). My doctor way okay with the combination because I’ve been on Synthroid alone for 7 months and free T3 labs were low (normal is 2-4 and I was 2.2). I also felt really tired and slightly down mood wise. I have to say that I have noticed a difference. I started out with a really small dose for fear of hyperthyroidism symptoms returning. My doctor told me that if symptoms did return, it would be about a week after starting the meds. Splitting the pill (even with a pill cutter) is a big pain- part of it usually crumbles. I’m thinking of asking the pharmacist to split them for me!
I don’t know- maybe T4 only is fine and probably is for a lot of people. But, when I felt tired and down (and that is not me normally; I’m very energetic and generally a happy, even keeled person), I wondered if I could do anything about it. I’m grateful my doctor is willing to let me try combination therapy.
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