Did you read in our GDF Fall 09 newsletter—Dr. Rebecca Bahn’s article, Unlocking the Mysteries of Graves’ Ophthalmopathy? The article mentions that she is the principal investigator for a clinical trial for a drug Rituximab. “Riuximab destroys pre-antibody producing cells, thus eliminating the attacking antibodies, and also blocks early activation of the immune system. Rituximab is used to treat autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.”
Rebecca Bahn, MD and her team of investigators are currently recruiting patients.
If you have questions about Rebecca Bahn’s clinical study
Call : Rebecca Bahn’s Medical Secretary 507-284-2462
Email: Gravesdiseasefd@gmail.com or call toll-free – (877) 643-3123
If you would like a copy (electronic or paper) of our Graves’ Foundation Fall 2009 Newsletter send a note to our national office or call me toll-free. Send us your email address for future Graves’ information.
Ellen Brightly
Administrative Assistant
Graves’ Disease Foundation
400 International Drive
Williamsville, NY 14221
Toll-free – (877) 643-3123
Email: Gravesdiseasefd@gmail.com
Website: NGDF.org