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  • ewmb
    Post count: 484

    I don’t know an answer for you but I can tell you that Graves can affect your bone health. I just found out a few months ago that I have osteoporosis in my spine. Pre-menopausal and 45 right now. The doctors told me that the Graves was the most likely cause. They also told me that the Graves can affect the way your body absorbs calcium because a lot of Graves patients have vitamin D deficiency which you need to absorb calcium. So my body was stealing calcium from my spine and my hips. i am now taking 2000mg of D3 a day. My father who also has Graves, had vitamin D levels so low he had to take some whopping doses. He is in his late 70s but also has osteopenia. I’d think about your son’s diet and try to write some things down as they might ask you at the bone specialist. I was asked about coffee, soda, dairy intake and things like that.

    Hope you find some answers soon. Maybe some others on the board can tell you more. There are several here with teenagers going through this right now.


    Post count: 5

    My sone was diagnosed 2 weeks ago with Graves and is now on Methomazole. He is also on high blood pressure meds that he was disgnosed with at age 12 ( he is 14 now). Anyway, In January he was 5’4 and weighed 172 and now he is 6’1 and weighs 117. His BP dr wanted him to have a full physical right after he was diagnosed to see if everything else is OK. We yesterday we went and the dr found that he cannot bend over very far anymore. His shoulders kind of get a weird shape and his ribs are getting kid of odd shaped. She set up a bone scan for Friday and then we see a bone specialist right after. She thinks he either may now have something like scholiosis or a bone disease. I asked if the Graves could have caused this and she doen’t know. We had him at a different dr in May (his regular dr was gone for the week) and he only looked at the bottom rib and said it was Harrisons Groove and nothing to worry about. Yeah.
    My question is – can Graves cause prblems like this with the spine & ribs? I know his muscle mass has gone way down and he is now very underweight for his height.
    Any thoughts on this?

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