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  • babygirl46
    Post count: 5

    hello …just got diagnosed with having Graves disease…O.K What? I am stilled puzzled by this news and my endo doc don’t really know how I got this..before all this was diagnoses.. I was feeling like I was going nuts… very anxious… especially in the car…it’s getting better in the car but..I don’t know why I get so freak out in my own car now…this really is bugging me because I feel like if I drive a far distance I get really panicky. I can drive for short distance with know really bad symptoms…my endo doc said all of these feeling I am having is from my Thyroid being off…OMG!! she put me on 5mg of Meth..went in today to get lab results and doc said she was going to increase my dose to 7.5 because TSH levels are still to high..Ohhh …she said I have positive results across the board for Graves and she gave me three options the Meds, Surgery or RAI …I am nervous about the other 2 options so I going to sick with the meds for now….WHat is the world is going on with my body I am 46 y/o and feel like I am coming out of my skin sometimes …I really need some advice and experience from others who have been where I am and can tell me..I will be better soon…I DON’T LIKE THIS… my hubby don’t really understand he probably thinks I am losing it because I ask him to drive me around a lot now….please some advice sorry so long… Also my doc put me on Propranolol 20 mg she said it will help calm me and take it as needed…it’s a beta blocker…thanks

    Post count: 4294

    Hello and welcome – I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but am glad that you found us. I would encourage you to start with the two links in the “Treatment Options” thread in the announcements section at the top of this forum. They both go through all three treatment options, including info on the risks and benefits of each.

    Although the Methimazole starts working right away to block the production of *new* thyroid hormone, the body still has to burn off its existing stores of thyroid hormone before your hypER symptoms will start to resolve, which can take a few weeks.

    I would really encourage you to get hard copies of your labs, so that you can see for yourself where your levels are, and ask questions to make sure you understand the doctor’s instructions. If your doctor is increasing your dose of Methimazole because your TSH is *high*, I would call back and ask for an explanation. We are fellow patients here, not doctors, but that is not the normal course of action. A high TSH indicates hypOthyroid. Maybe she said that your *T4* was high?

    Take care – and please check back to let us know how you are doing!

    Post count: 439

    Hi there. Sorry about the diagnosis but try not to worry…. it’s all very manageable. I was first diagnosed 7 years ago and lived most of those 7 years feeling perfectly normal (once we got the dose of Methimazole right) and I even went into remission for about a year (no meds). But 6 months ago it started acting up again and we have raised my dose of methimazole 4 times to get me to a state where I can function properly.

    I made the decision to have surgery (going in tomorrow) because I know that another remission is probably not going to happen, and even if it does I know it won’t last forever. I really get bad anxiety symptoms when I’m hyper and even when we just adjust my meds… it seems any change to my levels sets me into crazy mode. I need consistency so after the surgery and after we find my sweet spot with replacement hormone, I’m hoping the rollercoaster will be a thing of the past.

    You’re very new to all this so take the meds (both methimazole and beta blocker) and read all you can about this disease. If anxiety is your primary symptom you may want to see if your doc can give you something for that for a while.

    It is overwhelming when you first hear you have Graves, but it doesn’t have to ruin or take over your life. I’m fighting back and getting my life back tomorrow! :)

    Post count: 62

    I went the Meds route as well. I have been on meds now for about 8 months. I started with 30mg of methmizole then 20 then 10 and now back up to 15. I just started to develop vitiligo another autoimmune disorder. I will see the doctor at the end of the month. But will get blood work done this week to see what is going on?

    With that said, I actually started feeling better after a couple of weeks at the 30 mg dosage. And I have yet to feel as bad as I did when first diagnosed. I have felt not great but never that panicked crazed feeling you get when you are untreated.

    BTW, after reading your post I now know why I was so damn scared to drive over the Chesapeake Bridge to go to the beach last summer.

    Welcome, you are in good company!

    Post count: 5

    Thanks kim, I probably was wrong about what thyroid level it was…I was not thinking when I was talking to the doctor. but I do hope soon I will get back to some normal…

    Post count: 5

    Hello Khadijah…I like your name…I know two people named Khadijah.. and Yes that’s when I knew something was not right with me because I started panicking in my car for no reason. I did not like it thought I was going nuts because this was happening around the time when my dad got sick and I was running back and forth to the hospital. it was really nerve racking during that time.:o I hope you feel better soon as for me it’s a little better in the car but I can’t wait to be myself again.

    Post count: 5

    hello Sue ….thanks for the advice…I really know what you mean about that crazy feeling …ugh.. I hate feeling like that!! I really hope your surgery returns you back to normal…I know you must be excited to get you back!! I know it’s scary to but God got you!! I had surgery on my neck last year for a bulging disk and ohhh I don’t want any surgery right now… so… I think I will stick to the meds for now…hoping and praying for relief….God Bless you with your surgery and speedy recovery and back being Sue …happy times …keep us posted how your surgery went and again Good Luck..and God bless!!

    Post count: 110

    Hey there Babygirl46! Nice to meet you in spite of the location and circumstances!

    When I read your first post all I could think was “Wow- this gal has perfectly put into words the fear, confusion, apprehension, frustration, and all the other things we feel while going throuh this stuff”. Well-said indeed.

    I hope that now you’ve have a chance to poke around this site and read some posts and articles and whatnot that you feel a little better. I know it sure is a lot of absorb and wrap your head around but give yourself some time- things will come together for you.

    In fact now is a good time to really slow down, take extra-good care of yourself, and cut yourself some slack. You know- give yourelf a break. This Graves business is tiresome and relentless so we all have to be careful not to push ourselves too hard. Easy does it for sure.

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello and let you know that you’re in good hands around here- lots of GREAT folks with good advice, solid information, and good from-the-heart support. I’m glad you found us and I hope to see you around many more times in the future.

    Peace and health to you and yours,


    Post count: 160

    Hi Babygirl46,

    You landed in the right place. Not only can you get good solid advice here but from the heart support and answers for any question at all. So, welcome, I hope it helps.


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