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  • Julie3588
    Post count: 38

    I just wanted to say how great Graves’ Disease In Our Own Words is! I finally got around to ordering the book earlier this week because I’ve been have a tough couple of weeks feeling really up and down and am waiting to hear back on my lab work. I really just needed some reassurance that everything is going to be ok. Seeing that this book had come in the mail today was the BEST feeling. I sat down to browse it and ended up reading the entire thing cover to cover in one afternoon <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” /> Of all the books I’ve read on GD, none have hit home quite as hard as this one. The section on GD and adolescents was particular helpful, I have never seen a book before mention that college students are covered by the disabilities act, and to think all this time I’ve just been trying to "rough it" through my classes and still get A’s.

    Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you for this book, I’m hoping my family will read it. And to anyone who hasn’t read it yet, it’s pretty darn awesome <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />


    Post count: 43

    Where do you get that book? I think I would like to get it. Maybe it would answer many questions and concerns.

    Post count: 1569

    Last time I checked, you can get it on Amazon! <img decoding=” title=”Very Happy” />
    $15.95 new.

    Post count: 398


    Thank you very much for that uplifting appraisal of the book. We hoped it would help a lot of people, and what other way than to hear it from those that have been dealing with it?

    Take care,


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