Hi MaryT,
I have/have had a lot of pain in my feet. I finally found a website that talks about this. I have yet to find a podiatrist who would agree with me that my foot pain was thyroid related. I am amazed that after a near total thyroidectomy that you still have enough thyroid gland left to produce so many issues. I had my surgery last Sept and I too am on the teeter-totter of trying to get balanced. The pain in my feet dissapeared right after my surgery and came back within a week. It did gradually disappear as my levels went from hypo to low normal. I was elated. Then, the balance point moved and I dipped back to hyper range. My medication was reduced and the foot pain is now back. I do believe my feet issues are hypo-related, and will resolve when once again I find that "sweet spot" with the replacement meds.
Ruby in RenoHi all,
I would welcome any shared experiences or advice about my current situation. I have graves Disease. I was diagnosed in May of 2009 and had a near total thyroidectomy in July 2009. I felt great for about a month after the surgery. I was put on Levothyroxin immediately following the surgery. (the suggested doseage for my body weight) After calls to my enod and finally a sceduled visit in which I complained about racing heart and many other of the symptoms I remembered so clearly from the months previous to my surgery, he argued Ineeded to increase my dose of Levothyroxin. At that point I knew I was in search of a new endo! I found one who very gently guided me through 5 months of no drug use, and then put me on Methimazole. I have riden the rollercoaster of hyper to hypo and back again for the remaining months as we searched for the correct dose of methimazole.( I have been on that since April 2010. For the last 3 months I have had normal thryoid levels. I am presently taking 2.5 mg daily of the methimazole. In the past when I was hypo one of my first symptoms was foot pain. An aching, burning, tired foot pain localizing in the ball of my foot. I would get out of bed with that pain and infact it would be present even when in bed! I had begun having that sensation in Oct. 2010 and so assumed I was low. I was not! So I lived with it. In Marchof 2010 after 5 months of that pain, and realizing it was beginning to affect my activity choices and level I went to the Dr. I was then sent to a podiatrist. At the podiatrist appt after examing my feet he concluded that it was neuropathy from Graves disease. I had never heard of neuropathy in the feet from graves. I do have pretibial myexdema in both legs just on the from of my lower legs. I do occasionally feel shock like pains in my legs and feet. The podiatrist talked to me about a drug called gabapentin that is used with much success for this pain in my feet. He said it may take 4-8 weeks to note an improvement. I have been taking it for 3 days and already feel a huge difference. While I hated to add another pill to my daily routine it is amazing the difference I feel.
So have any of you had this neuropathy? And is it really connected with Graves? I have been tested for Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus, both came back negative. But I have also heard that those tests can sometimes come back negative even if you have that disease. I just don’t want to miss anything here. I want to be a preventative as possible. I realize I cannot prevent the disease but do feel I can at least prevent some of the results of the disease. I am also following a strict food diet due to food allergies (intolerances) that showed up in blood work. No gluten, dairy, eggs, or beef. I have felt 100% better since implementing the new way of eating and am in hopes it will help my body into euthyroid.
I also struggles with Opthalmopathy in both eyes, once worse than the other. I am a candidate for lid surgery but at this point it doesn’t appear I will need orbital decompression surgery. I use Restasis and gel drops to help my eyes, but it is my greatest discouragement at this point! I see double of print, my vision is blurry a lot, and my eyes sting and burn, and of course water a lot!
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this rambling of my health issues and for any response you my give!
Have a good day!
MarytFoot pain is how I finally got diagnosed with Graves.
I was referred to a podiatrist by my PA because of strange pain in my feet. He referred me to a neurologist who did tests, couldn’t find anything and sent me back to the podiatrist. The podiatrist LISTENED to me, noted my other symptoms, and sent me to the endocrinologist who quickly diagnosed Graves. Thank goodness for that podiatrist!
As soon as my T3and T4 numbers started to settle down my foot pain was gone. Knock on wood it has not been back.
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