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  • Bobbi
    Post count: 1324

    Taking the ATDs can be a temporary measure that insures that your levels of thyroid hormone remain normal until you have had time to come to terms with your condition. Seeing an endo, given your swings between hypo and hyper is undoubtedly a really good idea. But do not put off the meds while you wait. The blood test is definitive for hyperthyroid. It definitely shows whether or not you have too much thyroid hormone in your body. And if you do have too much, you are losing bone and muscle, and you risk heart problems. The ATD can effectively counteract these side effects.

    Post count: 1

    I’ve just been diagnosed with Graves Disease–based solely on blood tests (T4 1.48; TSI 283) and an uptake scan (no nodules, no hot/cold spots). If I have symptoms, they are very mild and the same as I have been experiencing since my 20’s (I’m in my 40’s now). My PA (physician’s assistant – I still have not actually spoken to the endocrinologist) says I need to start the Tapezole treatment based on my blood tests alone. Earlier this year I had a physical and complained about a little sluggishness; they did some blood tests and said I was hypothyroid and put me on levothyroxine. I took that for 6 months; started having some palpitations in bed. At my 6-month ‘check up’, I had blood tests again and the doc said stop the lyvothyroxine and she wanted me to see an endocrinologist. So from slight sluggishness (Jan 09) to dx of Graves within a 10-month timeframe. My grandfather had Graves so there is a history but this has come on so FAST and now they want me to JUMP right into therapy–but I don’t FEEL any different! I don’t know where to turn for advice. I thought I would see if anyone else out there was asymptomatic but went ahead anyway? It’s just so sudden…

    Post count: 4294

    Hello – Make sure you are getting copies of your labs, so that when you look at your T3 and T4 (hopefully, they are testing Free instead of Total T3 and T4), you can tell if you are mid-range, too high, or too low. Don’t be afraid to ask your endo questions as to why he/she is recommending a particular dose of anti-thyroid meds. Also, make sure your endo will be checking your levels frequently to keep your T3/T4 from falling into hypO territory again.

    If your thyroid levels are too high, this does need to be treated to prevent bone/muscle wasting and potential heart issues. But, as you know from before, you want to stay out of HypO territory.

    Best of luck!

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