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  • Peter
    Post count: 31

    JOIN US!

    The Graves’ Disease Foundation is pleased to announce the "Bridge to Wellness" 2009 PATIENT & FAMILY CONFERENCE — starting Friday Oct. 16 at 9:00 AM till Sunday Oct. 18, 2009. This year’s theme is "MY THYROID & ME … a Better Understanding."

    There will be nine (9) Specialists & Researchers discussing Graves’ disease plus other thyroid problems. Dr. Terry Smith, David Cooper, MD, Larry Wood, MD; world renowned researchers & authors of thyroid books plus much more. Topics include medications, eye involvement, research, patient & family coping; plus much more!

    The leading cause of hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease represents a basic defect in the immune system, causing production of immunoglobulins (antibodies), which stimulate and attack the thyroid gland, causing growth of the gland and overproduction of thyroid hormone. Similar antibodies may also attack the tissues in the eye muscles and in the pretibial skin (the skin on the front of the lower leg).

    The Conference will focus on Graves’ disease symptoms & treatment, hyperthyroidism & hypothyroidism, thyroid-related eye conditions, Graves’ & Children; and an update on the latest Graves’ disease research. There will also be workshops on the emotional and psychological impact of Graves’ disease. You’ll meet other patients coping with Graves’ and thyroid-related illnesses.

    Visit the Foundation’s website/Conference link below. Then click on Speakers. You don’t want to miss this very medically informative, patient supportive, and friend-making event! The meeting is open to all patients and families members with Graves’ disease or other thyroid gland disorders.

    Still time to register for the meeting. Fee includes meals, reception, and materials. You can read all the details about the Conference, plus you are able to sign-up TODAY and SAVE! Call the National Office for details on a special discount for GDF members and Bulletin Board members: 877.643-3123!



    Space is limited for the Conference and we expect it to be sold out. You also can make your hotel reservations directly online (you may want to arrive Thursday if you are staying at the hotel).

    To see the hotel information, CLICK HERE > The BALLANTYNE HOTEL

    GDF has a special discount Conference hotel room rate of $150 (a significant discount from the hotel’s regular rates)! If you have questions, send an email to or call our toll-free number below.

    Peter Filocamo, President
    Graves’ Disease Foundatioin
    Toll-free 877.643-3123

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